3 Benefits Of Same-Day Dental Crowns

3 benefits of same-day dental crownsIf you are dealing with something like a painful cavity, or a dental injury, you can understandably be in a hurry to have your tooth restored. Your dentist can offer you a quicker restoration by relying on CEREC technology to produce same-day dental crowns. Historically, a dental crown is produced in a dental laboratory (with measurements provided by your dentist), and can take time to prepare and ship to your dentist’s office. CEREC eliminates this step. Your dentist can take the necessary measurements, have the crown prepared and produced in-office, and place it on your tooth in one appointment.

1. CEREC Uses Ceramic For Your Crown, Which Offers A Lifelike Restoration

Good news for people who are worried about how they will look after a dental treatment – CEREC produces ceramic dental crowns. Ceramic looks the most like your enamel, so that it will be hard for people to tell it apart from your natural teeth.

2. You Will Not Be Stuck With A Temporary Crown While You Wait For Your Permanent One

Without CEREC, you would have to depend on a temporary crown while you wait for your customized crown to arrive from the dental lab. This means spending time with your affected tooth with less than the recommended protection.

3. You Save Yourself Time By Eliminating A Second Dental Appointment

Simply put, the ability to eliminate an entire dental appointment from your restoration means the placement of your crown will have less of an impact on your daily life. Your oral health is important, and deserves your time and attention, but CEREC helps keep some of that time and attention free for you.