Kids’ Dental Care: Questions To Ask Them!

Do you find that it’s quite easy to get your kids excited about dental care? If you’re shaking your head “no,” don’t worry: Most kids don’t become extremely enthusiastic about plaque removal and promoting long-term oral health. That doesn’t mean, however, that you cannot infuse their dental hygiene sessions with some added interest about why we all care for our grins. An added bonus: By asking kids questions, you can gain a better idea of what they know, information they have yet to learn, and how to more easily make home care an easy-to-accomplish habit!

Question: Why Do We Brush Our Teeth?

When you ask why we brush our teeth, you will see whether your kids have the right idea about dental care or if this is an easy “teachable” moment, during which you can better explain. Remember, you may also learn more about how to make the experience more enjoyable as kids share extra info!

Question: Why Do We Floss Our Teeth?

By asking your kids why we floss our teeth, you can get a better idea of what they think is happening. You can then explain why this is a significant aspect of dental care, so they begin to understand why it’s important.

Question: What Do You Want To Know More About?

Your kids may surprise you! If you ask them what they want to know more about in regard to their teeth or dental care, they may be interested in things that can be quite fun to discuss. Maybe they want to know why they have teeth, how many teeth they have now or will have in the future, what their teeth are made out of, and more. Answer what you can (and remember that there are a lot of children’s books out there that will prove very entertaining for your kiddos).

Keep Kids’ Teeth Safe With Daily And Long-Term Care

Remember that protecting your child’s smile is as simple as maintaining dental hygiene habits at home and seeing our team for preventive checkups and cleanings. To learn more, schedule an appointment or initial consultation by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI today at (248) 852-1820.