3 Ways To Limit Your Sugar Intake

When you are unsure about how to limit your sugar intake but you know that you want to, it can feel like an uphill battle. Just saying to yourself, “Well, I’m not going to eat as much,” without any sort of a plan can yield poor results. After all, you’ll find that sugary delights and offerings are around just about every corner. So, how to limit these treats as a means of providing yourself with extra smile health protection? We can offer helpful approaches to get you started.

#1: Just Don’t Eat Anything With Added Sugar

If you want to limit your sugar, then do yourself a favor: Don’t buy or eat anything that has added sugar. Certain things have naturally occurring sugars, such as fruits! If you avoid all sugar all the time, you may not have much to eat. However, if you avoid candy, processed foods, pastries, and anything with table sugar, then this is a comprehensive approach.

#2: Never Bring It Into Your Home

Another easy way to protect your smile health by limiting sugar is to only eat it when you’re not home. If you have it around you in your home, it’s way too easy to overdo it.

#3: Come Up With Special Sugar Times

For some individuals, looking at consuming sugar as a special treat, an incentive, a reward, or an event that only happens on certain occasions is an easy way to limit it to protect smile health. For instance, perhaps you decide that you’ll only eat it on holidays and birthdays. Or, maybe you decide you can have dessert on the weekends. Whatever it is you choose, this decision may make it much easier for you to avoid consuming it daily. (Of course, rinsing with water after you eat sugar will also help).

Bring Your Sugar Concerns To Our Team

If you’re worried about sugar, its effects on your smile, and how to limit it, then let us know. We will be most happy to help you figure out how to better safeguard your teeth. To learn more, schedule an appointment or initial consultation by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI today at (248) 852-1820.