Is Your Snoring Habit Stoppable?

A snoring habit is the kind of thing that most people don’t consider a serious problem. It might be annoying to the sleeping partner who hears it every night, but it might not seem like a health concern or a factor in the quality of your daily life. The truth, though, is that snoring consistently every night can overtax your respiratory system, cardiovascular health, and more. Fortunately, there are often ways you can reduce your habit of snoring and its impact on your wellbeing, even if it’s the result of a more serious underlying sleep disorder like sleep apnea.

A few tips to stop snoring

  • Your physical health and wellbeing can play a role in your snoring habit in several ways. For instance, if you live a sedentary lifestyle, or are overweight, then you may be more likely to experience an airway blockage that causes you to snore at night. Try to improve your weight and lifestyle by developing and sticking to a regular exercise routine each night. You’ll all asleep easier, rest more peacefully, and over time, reduce many of the underlying factors that can lead to chronic snoring.
  • If you suffer from sinus allergies, then your risks of experiencing a nasal or airway blockage while you sleep can be higher. Take antihistamines before going to bed if your nose feels stuffy or you have trouble breathing silently. The medication will reduce inflammation in your sinuses and tissues surrounding your airway, making it less likely that your sleep will be interrupted by snoring.
  • If you sleep on your back often, then this may also be a contributing factor to your habit of snoring. Gravity can make it more likely that oral and throat tissues will collapse into your airway, creating a smaller space for your breath to pass through and causing you to snore loudly. Instead, try falling asleep on your side each night, and make note if you wake up in the same position.

If your chronic snoring continues

For some people, snoring isn’t just a habit to stop, but a symptom of an underlying sleep disorder like sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea, then the obstruction that occurs in your airway each night may not be something you can correct on your own. More importantly, the snoring is only a precursor to oral tissues completely blocking your airway and forcing you to stop breathing periodically.

Learn how to address your snoring habit

A chronic snoring habit can affect your sleep quality in many ways, but with these few tips, you may be able to put a stop to it. To learn more, schedule an appointment or initial consultation by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, today at (248) 852-1820.