American Sign Language Club: Basic

Have you long considered the benefits of your child learning American Sign Language but as for finding a class, date, time, location, and more that work for you and your little one, you’ve been coming up short? You just might find everything you’ve been hoping for in the upcoming American Sign Language Club: Basic held at our Auburn Hills, MI library! Learn more and sign up soon!


When You Think You Broke Your Tooth

Maybe you bite down into something and you think you feel a crack. Perhaps you are certain that you’ve broken your tooth. While there may be a big part of you that just wants to stay home and pretend that nothing ever happened, our Auburn Hills, MI team urges you to reconsider! You may be able to get away with a smile that is still working and not in too much pain for a little while. However, when structural damage takes place, your tooth and oral health in general immediately become highly vulnerable to problems bigger than the fracture or missing tissue itself. Learn more!


Brush Your Teeth For The Simplest Of Reasons

You are no stranger to the fact that you should brush your teeth every day. It hasn’t escaped you either that you should really brush twice a day (of course, in addition to flossing but that’s another story!). However, our Auburn Hills, MI team knows that some of you out there might not be brushing as frequently and thoroughly as we recommend! So, before we launch into any particularly clinical details about plaque, the bacteria it contains, and the potential breakdown of the carbs you eat and the potential for dental tissue decay, we say: Hey, there, we have some very simple reasons you should be brushing as part of your dental hygiene and they will most definitely resonate with you!


Behind the Scenes at Meadow Brook Theatre

“All the world’s a stage…” Shakespeare wrote, but many dedicated live theater fans have no desire to be in front of the footlights. Instead, they support the actors, directors, cast and theater building with behind-the-scenes activities as members of the Meadow Brook Theatre Guild. This not-for-profit group of women volunteers has supported Meadow Brook Theatre since the late 1970s, giving of their talent, time and and financial support. Whether you prefer to flash a bright smile at a comedy tech rehearsal, or support the theater in some other way, membership in the theatre guild might be for you. (more…)

Things that Make TMJ Disorder Troublesome

TMJ disorder isn’t like other common issues that affect your dental health. For instance, conditions like tooth decay and gum disease have very direct causes (mainly, harmful oral bacteria), and therefore, they’re often easy to detect and diagnose. By contrast, TMJ disorder can mean a number of different specific conditions, each with different potential causes and their own set of unique symptoms. At our Auburn Hills, MI, dental office, we can help you alleviate TMJ disorder and the trouble that it can cause with highly customized treatment. (more…)

Important Facts About Having Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a common sleep disorder that involves the cessation of breathing while you sleep. For patients who have it, the disorder can become a significant factor in their overall health and wellbeing – and, yet, they may not realize they even have sleep apnea until its effects become significant. At our Auburn Hills, MI, dental office, we often recommend a custom-designed sleep appliance to help patients comfortably and effectively address the airway blockage that leads to sleep apnea. We also explain why treating the condition is important, and why snoring and sleep apnea should never be ignored. (more…)

“Should I” Dental Questions: Answered

When you find yourself focused on the topic of dental care, there is usually no doubt that a “should I” question is just around the corner. This, of course, makes complete sense! You know that there are certain practices you need to put into place in order to keep your smile on the straight and narrow, feeling healthy, and looking lovely. However, the world of dentistry is so big! At every turn, you realize there’s some new detail, product, or fact you’re grappling with and, naturally, questions arise. When they do, our Auburn Hills, MI team certainly hopes you will bring them to us! For now, we’ll begin with a handful of FAQs!


Are You Caring For Your Gums? It’s Easy.

You have a general idea of how to care for your smile. However, as far as actually targeting the health of your gum tissue, you may feel at a bit of a loss. Yes, you know you should floss your teeth but you don’t really know if it’s to avoid cavities or if it’s just for your gums or what. You wonder how brushing actually impacts your gum health. Since you may feel shy about asking (though we certainly encourage you to do so), our Auburn Hills, MI practice offers a simple set of reminders that will help you give your gums the attention they need without any confusion.


St. Patrick’s Day: 3 Things To Consider About Green Treats

How fun! St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and that means a round of green-hued drinks for everyone! Wait a second. Now that you really think about it, the idea of gulping down drinks full of green food-coloring might not be so smart for your oral health or for the appearance of your smile. Come to to think of it, anything that can temporarily stain your teeth and tongue just might contribute to actual smile yellowing! So, what to do and what to think about having fun without sacrificing your smile? As always, our Auburn Hills, MI team can demystify this one for you!


If Your Toothbrush Could Talk, It Might Say…

Can your toothbrush talk? Not that we know of. However, if if could talk, what do you think it might say? Wouldn’t it be helpful if your brush could guide you through dental hygiene sessions, offering encouragement or little suggestions? Though this isn’t a very realistic dream, our Auburn Hills, MI team enjoys imagining what this smile care product might say, were it to speak to you on a daily basis. Jump on board for this fun little exercise. In doing so and reflecting on it throughout your smile care sessions, you just might find you have the reminders in place that you need for effective cleansing!
