LEGO Club December 2018

Are you a huge fan of LEGOs because they offer kids (and adults) such a wonderfully simple way to learn to build, work on motor skills, to think creatively, to get better at solo work or team work, and more? However, are you growing increasingly tired of stepping on them when you least expect it? Good news: You can make the most of these lovely blocks with the upcoming LEGO Club!


What Today’s Restorative Care Does For Your Future

There’s probably part of you that thinks that as long as you eventually get your restorative care handled, your smile health will be just fine. The truth is, the patients who take care of restorative needs immediately are protecting their smiles now and well into the future in a significant way (as opposed to those who put it off). Let our Auburn Hills, MI explain why your quick action with fixing your oral health is so important! It may surprise you.


Gum Disease: Important Ways To Handle It

There are some very good ways to handle gum disease when it affects you. Then, as you may have guessed, there are some ways to deal with it that will absolutely not help you but may make things worse. Not sure you know which is which or how to react when your gums appear inflamed? When you accept a little advice from our Auburn Hills, MI team, you’ll know just what to do!


Harry Potter Book Club

Has it been quite a while since you read the Harry Potter series and, now that your middle schoolers are finally getting into it, you are having a hard time remembering enough of it to have long conversations? Have you noticed that your kiddos really love talking it over with friends? If so, then you may wish to check in with them about whether they’d enjoy the upcoming Harry Potter Book Club at our Auburn Hills, MI library! It’s for children in grades four through eight and is sure to be fun.


Dental Extractions: What Makes Them So Easy?

Easy?! You think to yourself. What on earth would make our Auburn Hills, MI team decide to describe a dental extraction as easy, let alone imply that there are multiple reasons that will back this assertion up? Well, while we are aware that you may initially think of the extraction of your tooth as difficult, scary, uncomfortable, and more, the truth is that you are overlooking some very important details! It’s actually not the very intense ordeal that you may think that it is! Consider the facts and you will quickly discover that most of your worries can very easily be put to rest!


Dental Bridges: A Few Things To Commit To Memory!

As you begin examining your options for replacing missing teeth, you can start by narrowing down your options according to how many teeth you’re missing (in addition to their configuration). You will know instantly whether a dental bridge is even an option when you ask yourself whether you’re missing three teeth or fewer and whether they’re all lined up in a row. If the answer is yes to both, then you may qualify! However, our Auburn Hills, MI team reminds you there are some additional things you may wish to commit to memory both in regard to your candidacy and other details that may be causing you some confusion. Let’s sort it all out together!


Loose Teeth: What To Do?

It’s one thing to have a toothache, to think that you may have damaged your tooth, or to notice a little inflammation in your mouth. However, when the symptom that occurs to your grownup smile is the occurrence of loose teeth, you may have absolutely no idea what to think, what to do, or what’s happening with your oral health. Understandably, this is not something you’re ready to address exactly because you’ve probably never experienced it. Now, for the part in which our Auburn Hills, MI team helps you figure out what to do, reassures you that things will be okay, and gives you some insight into what’s happening with your smile…


Your Oral Appliance: Don’t Let Holidays Mess Things Up!

We take a loving glance at the calendar when we realize the holidays are coming up. Hooray! All will be sparkling, chilly, merry, and bright! There’s food, drinks, fun, family, friends, socializing, parties, and more on the horizon! Of course, there is so much to feel excited about, so why bring up anything that sounds even slightly disastrous or negative, you wonder? Well, because it will ensure you make it through this time of year that is supposed to be fun without wondering: How did I mess up with my smile health like this? With some very simple reminders from our Auburn Hills, MI team, you’ll be sure your oral appliance therapy continues on as planned through the season and beyond.


You Need A Visit If You Use This Word For Your Smile

Sometimes, you wonder if you really need a dental visit or not. You may find that certain adjectives pop out of your mouth in regard to your smile and, as a result, you feel a little funny about calling up our Auburn Hills, MI team. You know if you were to call and say you had a severe toothache, there would be nothing uncertain about this. But what if you call and say that your smile feels “weird” or something similar? Will this be reason enough to set up a dental checkup? Take our word for it when we say, if your instincts tell you something isn’t right, it’s a good idea to come in. As for some terms we can speak to regarding what they might mean (and why they warrant an immediate visit with us), let’s get going!
