CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Permanent Crowns Look Like Natural Teeth

If you have a broken, decayed, misshapen, or discolored tooth, or a tooth that requires a root canal, a dental crown is a long-lasting, natural-looking treatment option that can restore your tooth’s function and appearance, along with your self-confidence.

What Are Crowns?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that covers a tooth to restore its shape and strength and improve its appearance. A crown fully encases the entire visible portion of a tooth above and at the gum line and protects the tooth during use. There are several types of crowns, though the most common have a porcelain exterior to match the appearance of natural teeth.

When Are Crowns Used?

Your dentist may recommend a crown to:

  • Restore a broken or severely worn-down tooth
  • Cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t a lot of tooth left
  • Protect a tooth that’s been weakened by decay
  • Cover a misshapen or severely discolored tooth
  • Hold a dental bridge in place
  • Cover a dental implant

Pros and cons of crowns compared to veneers:

  • Crowns are used to restore function as well as aesthetics
  • Crowns provide stronger protection to the tooth than veneers
  • Crowns require the removal of more natural tooth than veneers

What Is CEREC?

In our goal to provide our patients with the latest in modern dental technology, we’re proud to provide highly lifelike restorations in a single visit with the advanced CEREC same-day restoration system. CEREC stands for Chairside Economic Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics, and is a system that utilizes digital CAD/CAM technology to design and create customized dental crowns, inlays, and onlays. By choosing a CEREC restoration, you can enjoy your beautiful, fully restored smile in just one day, rather than waiting several weeks for your restoration to be crafted off site.

How Does CEREC Work?

Our advanced CEREC machine is able to expedite the tooth restoration process by using computer-aided design and manufacturing, or CAD/CAM. After your dentist prepares your tooth to receive your crown, inlay, or onlay, the digital imaging technology will take highly detailed measurements of your tooth. Then, the measurements and images are sent digitally to an on-site milling machine that will automatically craft your restoration in just a couple of hours.

Can I Benefit from a CEREC Restoration?

If you have a damaged tooth, or one that needs cosmetic improvement, then a custom-designed crown, inlay, or onlay may be able to improve your smile and refortify your tooth structure. By receiving your restoration in just one day, you won’t have to wait and risk damaging your tooth further, which could require more extensive restorative treatment. You can also walk out of our office with your new smile intact so you can smile proudly again much sooner.

CEREC® Crowns vs Traditional Dental Crowns

CEREC® stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. This same-day dental technology helps dentists streamline making a crown, restoring a patient’s smile in a single visit.

CEREC® utilizes computer-aided design, also known as CAD-CAM technology, to scan your teeth using a 3D camera. The image data is then sent to an in-office machine in our dental service that mills the crown from a ceramic block. The milling process can take only a few minutes, after which your dentist can place it.

This same-day service makes getting a crown easier than ever!

Contact Us Today

If you have a dental condition that may require a crown, contact us today to book an appointment. Your dentist can examine your teeth and review your options for restoring them to optimal oral health, including same-day crowns.