Preventive Care: A Few Things You’re Getting (Very) Wrong

You might be getting certain aspects of your preventive dental care just right! However, you might be getting some of them very wrong. The problem here is that if you’re not running a tight ship in regard to your oral health, you could end up with serious consequences despite your best efforts. Nobody wants to put forth lots of energy only to end up with cavities, gum disease, etc., so what to do? Our Auburn Hills, MI team is happy to report that it’s actually very easy to troubleshoot not-so-on-track care, which instantly puts you on a path toward success!

#1: You Think You Should Focus On Visible Teeth

We know that you may focus on one area of your smile when it comes to preventive care because you think that this is what you are supposed to do. You might think that you should spend as much time as you can on your visible tooth surfaces, so your smile looks good. Or, you may figure that chewing surfaces are getting the most use, so of course they require the most cleansing, right? Actually, all surfaces get covered with plaque every day, so this is why it’s significant for you to brush every single tooth surface in your smile if you want to maintain your oral health.

#2: You Figure You Only Need Visits When Problems Arise

You might be under the impression that cleanings and checkups are only for those moments in which you need our help because something is wrong. However, this could not be further from the truth. Though you should, of course, call us for a visit if you think something is wrong, you should be keeping up with these preventive care visits twice a year no matter what. Why? Well, because just like their name (preventive visits) implies, they help you avoid problems!

#3: You Are Brushing … But That’s It

You might not be doing everything that you need to do in order to maintain your smile health. Trust us when we say, you aren’t the first to assume that you’re making a good choice. For instance, maybe you think that extremely consistent brushing is enough. However, it isn’t! You have to brush (2x a day), floss (1x a day), and see us (2x a year) if you want to be successful with prevention! It’s as simple as that.

Keep Your Smile Nice And Healthy

Feel sure that you’ve got every last detail associated with your preventive care on track and in good shape when you speak with our team. How to do so? Schedule your twice-annual dental checkup, of course! To learn more, schedule an appointment or initial consultation by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI today at (248) 852-1820.