What You Should Know About Tooth Loss

what-you-should-know-about-tooth-lossIt would be hard to miss the effect of tooth loss on how your smile looks, especially if the loss in question is in a particularly visible area. The embarrassment a person can suffer from having a missing tooth is often sufficient to drive them to seek a replacement. That being said, you should be aware of the oral health issues associated with tooth loss, especially since some issues are fixed exclusively with a dental implant. Your adjacent teeth are more likely to be lost, and you could have jaw problems that start to form. There is also the prospect of deterioration in your jawbone – seeking a dental prosthetic will only help with this issue if the prosthetic has support from a dental implant.

Your Risk For Losing More Teeth Is Increased

Why would the loss of a tooth cause your risk for further losses to spike? Remember that part of what keeps your teeth so stable is their proximity to each other. When a tooth is missing, its neighbors have less support, and can loosen.

You Could Develop Jaw Pain

Trying to accommodate the space left behind by a missing tooth can be stressful to your jaw joints. If you continue to make uncomfortable adjustments when you eat, you can create problems that leave you experiencing chronic pain.

Waiting Can Increase The Likelihood Complications Will Affect Your Implant Placement

Of the dental prosthetic options available to you, only an implant can help with jawbone deterioration. What you should understand is that the longer you wait to receive one, the more your jaw can deteriorate. If you wait too long, the level of deterioration could affect your ability to safely receive your dental implant.