Snoring? Ask About Oral Appliance Therapy

oral appliance auburn hills miIf your loved ones have started to mention their concern over your loud or aggressive snoring, they might have a point. This could be a symptom of chronic obstructive sleep apnea, which is a common sleep disorder affecting millions of Americans. It’s estimated that approximately 30 million of us struggle with this condition in one way or another, and sleep apnea greatly increase a person’s risk of heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. Oral appliance therapy provides a quieter, more comfortable sleep apnea treatment experience, so ask about whether this approach is right for you.

At Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, we want to help you find your way to a more peaceful night of rest. If you have found that traditional CPAP therapy just is not right for you, then take the time to talk to our team about how an oral appliance works to keep the airway free throughout the night without the need for hoses or an electrical outlet. With this method, you can pack up your appliance in a small, easy-to-carry case, and take it with you wherever you go. Find out more about OSA treatment by calling our office today!

Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnea Contributes To Serious Health Risks

When your friends and family talk about your snoring, has the conversation turned a little less lighthearted? This can sometimes be a sign of a common sleep disorder known as chronic obstructive sleep apnea, and if this is what you are experiencing, the loud snoring might be frightening them.

This happens in our deepest form of sleep, called REM (rapid eye movement), when the body acts a little differently than at other times. Your throat tissue may become too soft to hold its normal shape, causing it to collapse enough that it blocks the airway. This can lead to vibrations that sound like normal snoring, but can be a sign of something much more dangerous.

Oral Appliance Therapy Provides A Quieter Sleep Apnea Treatment

For some patients, they already know that they have OSA, but they shy away from traditional CPAP therapy. While this might seem easy to do, you put yourself at risk of heart attack, stroke, and more. Oral appliance therapy offers an alternative to CPAP, instead using a convenient device that gently repositions the jaw. Often, this is enough to keep the airway free overnight, helping you to experience a quality night of sleep.

Discover Effective OSA Treatment With Advanced Dental Concepts

Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition, and it warrants your effort. To find out more about the advantages of oral appliance therapy for OSA, call our team at Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, today at (248) 852-1820.