Once a cavity forms on your tooth, it is time for a trip to the dentist. While your enamel has some capacity for recovery when a tooth takes on damage, a cavity is more than your natural defenses can fix. A restorative dental treatment can remove decay, and make sure your tooth can function after treatment. The measures your dentist must take to fix your tooth after a cavity will depend on its size – the longer you wait for treatment, the more time your cavity has to grow. A dental crown can enable your dentist to protect your tooth after serious decay has occurred.
Why Does My Cavity Need A Crown?
Not every cavity will result in your tooth being fitted for a crown. You can actually have your tooth restored with a filling as long as the cavity is small enough. If the cavity is larger, your dentist may not be able to trust a filling to provide enough protection to your tooth.
Using CEREC Same-Day Crowns To Bring Crown Placement Down To A Single Visit
Without CEREC Same-Day Crowns, the process of having a dental crown placed on a tooth will take two visits to complete. With CEREC Same-Day Crowns, you can have the tooth in question fitted with your new crown in a single visit. This is because your dentist will have the technology on hand to take measurements, draft your crown, and have it produced by a milling machine located in the office. CEREC Same-Day Crowns makes the process of receiving a crown more efficient, and the use of porcelain in the crown’s construction means it will have an attractive, lifelike appearance.