Important Care Is Provided During Each Dental Checkup

The preventive care you provide your smile on a daily basis is key to making sure your mouth is found to be problem-free during a checkup with your dentist. Of course, those routine visits serve to do more than just gauge the current condition of your oral health. If you have a problem, your dentist can recommend the appropriate restorative dental treatment. When no problem is found, you will still receive a detailed cleaning, and any information on issues that deserve your attention. If you want to make sure your smile sustains its health and appearance, make sure you regularly enjoy the care provided by your dentist during a standard checkup.

A Routine Dental Appointment Can Improve Your Cavity Defense

Your daily oral health care may be good, but your hygienist can take dental cleaning to a level you are unable to match. Their comprehensive cleaning can include the removal of tartar, a stubborn, hardened form of plaque that your brushing and flossing will not dislodge. This removal, along with the careful check for harmful agents in hard-to-reach places, can make sure your smile enjoys an optimal cleaning.

What Happens If My Dentist Finds Something Wrong During A Checkup?

Your dentist can determine the severity of a problem like tooth decay, and recommend the appropriate treatment. If the cavity is smaller, a dental filling can be all the care you require. However, if your cavity is more severe, a dental crown could be necessary. Thanks to CEREC Same-Day Crowns technology, your dentist is actually able to provide you with a crown in the course of a single visit.