Flossing: A Couple Details You’re Completely Missing

It’s very easy to think you’re doing the best job in the world with your dental floss just because you floss through your smile every day. We most certainly offer you applause for your effort and your dedication to making sure you’re not skipping your dental hygiene on a daily basis! As you know, it is so very necessary to your oral health. However, we have a quick newsflash for you: you just might unintentionally be missing a spot or two during dental hygiene. When you open your eyes to this possibility, you might be able to step up your flossing game for even better care!

#1: You’re Missing That Very Back Tissue!

Do you stop when you get to the back two teeth in your smile on either side of the top and bottom, once you floss between them? This is understandable, especially since you have always heard that you need to work your dental floss between teeth that touch. However, we have a suggestion: Reach way back and run your floss along the back edge of very back teeth, too, for even more thorough cleansing.

#2: You’re Forgetting To Floss Beneath Your Bridge

Do you have a bridge? It’s easy to forget to use your dental floss between the bridge and your gum tissue once you’re done flossing between remaining teeth. However, what you don’t want is for any of your gum tissue to become inflamed due to trapped plaque or debris. Clean this area out daily with your floss and you won’t have to worry about it!

Floss Your Best When You Ask For Help

If you think you’re on track with flossing but you’re not certain, a quick inquiry will give us time to review your habits and help if you need it. To learn more, schedule an appointment or initial consultation by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI today at (248) 852-1820.