Shorter Orthodontic Treatment With Fastbraces®

auburn hills fastbracesBraces are an effective way to treat misalignment, and can offer an even smile. But they also require a major time commitment of at least two years. But what if there was a way to offer the same results in a shorter time frame? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist talks about the benefits of Fastbraces®.

The Causes and Impacts of Misalignment

Dental misalignment means your teeth are uneven, they could be crooked, crowded, or may overlap one another. This could be due to issues in childhood, such as thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. As we grow older, the premature loss of baby teeth and issues with the eruption of permanent ones could also be a factor. Losing your teeth or serious injury in our teen and adult years can also impact alignment, as could the arrival of wisdom teeth.

Your uneven teeth make thorough brushing and flossing difficult and provide places of food and drink particles to become trapped, which increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The pressure on your jaw joints could make the onset of painful complications like TMJ disorder and bruxism more likely. You may also feel embarrassed about your appearance and try to hide your smile. But we can help with orthodontics, which shift the teeth into proper alignment. With Fastbraces®, this could be done in a much shorter time frame than traditional braces.

The Fastbraces® Treatment Process

Like traditional braces, Fastbraces® use brackets and wires to shift your teeth. However, the traditional option moves the crown, or visible portion, first and the roots after. Time is then needed for the bone tissue to reform around the new positions of your teeth, so the process could take up to two years or more. With Fastbraces®, we use unique triangular brackets and wires that move the crowns and roots at the same time, so you have a straighter smile in a much shorter time frame. Not only that, but they’re designed to be less visible than traditional braces, so you have the benefits of clear aligners even if you have misalignment that would otherwise be too severe for treatment like Invisalign®. The treatment also requires fewer office visits too, saving your time and money!

If you have any questions about how we use Fastbraces® to shift your smile and offer better alignment in a shorter time, all while remaining practically invisible then contact our team today.

Ready to Try Orthodontic Treatment?

To schedule a consultation for our custom and effective orthodontics, call Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI at (248) 852-1820. Everyone deserves an even and healthy smile, and we want to help you achieve one! A visit now can start your journey to a smile you’ve always dreamed about.