You Need A Visit If You Use This Word For Your Smile

Sometimes, you wonder if you really need a dental visit or not. You may find that certain adjectives pop out of your mouth in regard to your smile and, as a result, you feel a little funny about calling up our Auburn Hills, MI team. You know if you were to call and say you had a severe toothache, there would be nothing uncertain about this. But what if you call and say that your smile feels “weird” or something similar? Will this be reason enough to set up a dental checkup? Take our word for it when we say, if your instincts tell you something isn’t right, it’s a good idea to come in. As for some terms we can speak to regarding what they might mean (and why they warrant an immediate visit with us), let’s get going!


When you say that your teeth feel fuzzy, there are two things that you need to do. First, go brush your teeth! In some cases, if you eat something like spinach (which contains oxalic acid that can make teeth feel coated), you just need to perform your dental hygiene. However, if not, then it’s time to call us to schedule a dental checkup and cleaning. Why? Well, because fuzzy teeth usually mean that your teeth have tartar and plaque buildup on them. Remember, it’s plaque and tartar that are the main cause of problems like gingivitis and tooth decay, so come in soon!


Do you feel like your mouth is slimy? Sticky? Tacky? Do yourself a favor and start drinking more water if you’re not already getting your 64 ounces every day. We also encourage you to contact us to schedule a dental checkup. Why? You see, when your mouth feels this way it is often the result of dry mouth! What’s that? It’s a problem that occurs when you’re either not producing enough saliva or your saliva is drying up. While this may be something you can fix by addressing any existing congestion or checking the labels on any medication you take (dry mouth is often a side effect), it’s still a good idea to come in.


Any type of discomfort means you should come in for a dental checkup. It’s always better to be on the safe side, particularly if you need restorative care!

Visit Us Right Away When Your Smile Feels Different

Remember that when you recognize changes with your oral health, it’s always best to schedule a dental checkup with our team! To learn more, schedule an appointment or initial consultation by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI today at (248) 852-1820.