Restoring Appearance With Cosmetic Bonding

Close up the lady's mouthWhen it comes to keeping our smiles in tip-top condition, the task itself can be a pretty daunting one to take on. After all, nearly anything can cause harm to our health, including dangerous decay, sleeping disorders, and literally everything else in-between. Still, you may participate in a well-rounded preventive routine and these concerns may not be that major of a concern at the moment. Bear in mind, however, that cosmetic concerns can happen at any moment, and nothing is worse than being one blemish away from a perfect beam. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist looks at the benefits of cosmetic dentistry and how bonding and contouring can help.

A Composite Material

Issues such as chips and cracks can cause a major decline in one’s own view of themselves. After all, many individuals associate a vibrant smile with heightened levels of self-confidence, implying that the opposite could actually be pretty detrimental. What’s more, noticeable blemishes can occur from a variety of sources, including stains from that morning cup of coffee or chips and cracks from physical injury. Regardless of the cause, one thing is clear: most could benefit from a cosmetic enhancement solution.

Cosmetic dentistry is the process of enhancing your teeth’s appearance through the use of specified treatment. In many cases, cosmetic treatment is conservative in nature, meaning it does not involve structural altering to accomplish.

As one of the popular options many turn to, dental bonding and contouring can address chips and cracks with the help of a composite resin material. Contact our team today to learn more.

Shade-Match Technology

When you come into our office for your bonding and contouring appointment, our team will apply a tooth-colored composite resin to the affected areas of your teeth. Depending on your needs, we will either shape the material to reestablish symmetry (as is the case with chips), or smooth out and cover the noticeable line that occurs due to cracks. After the material has been shaped to satisfaction, we will use a special light to cure or harden it, completing your treatment.

Another major benefit from this procedure involves the use of shade-match technology. This process allows us to closely mimic the natural shade of your smile so that once that material has set, you will not have any noticeable signs of treatment distracting others from your vibrant appearance.

Completing Your Smile

There is nothing more grueling than being a single blemish away from having the ideal smile you want, and our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. The next time you are in for your checkup, make sure to ask what your cosmetic options are.

Learn More Today

Contact Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI by calling 248-852-1820 to learn more about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, or to schedule your appointment with our team today.