Three Ways Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

Dentist showing porcelain crowns to the patient. Close-up. Selective focus. Focus on crowns.While it is true that there is nothing more important than taking proper care of your smile, it is important to note that there are multiple components that contribute to your oral health, and brushing your teeth is not enough to cut it alone. Indeed, a well-rounded routine will include care at home, such as brushing twice a day and flossing at least once, watching what food items you consume and how they impact your teeth and attending routine checkups and cleanings. In some instances, the issue is not a functional threat, but a surface-level one instead. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist explains why cosmetic dentistry matters in the grand scheme of your grin, and how porcelain veneers can help in multiple ways.

Handling Chips and Cracks

It goes without saying that the top priority when it comes to your smile is its health. Dentistry is a complex practice that involves a number of distinct areas that require care, and it is important to note just how much each of these areas requires.

Indeed, dental decay is one of the biggest threats to your oral health, and without proper treatment, can lead to a compromised and even lost tooth. Just because it is one of the most common – affecting millions of people every year – that does not mean that it is the only threat to worry about.

While cosmetic concerns may not impact oral function per se, there is no reason it should take a backseat if you are unhappy with your smile due to a few blemishes. Indeed, cosmetic dentistry allows our team to treat surface-level concerns in a few different ways, and porcelain veneers offer the ability to address chips and cracks in a lifelike manner. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

A Fast Procedure

When you come in for your cosmetic dental treatment, our team will go over your options and help you determine what is best for you. Porcelain veneers are among our most versatile treatments, and they consist of ultra-thin shells of dental porcelain that can be secured to the front of your teeth with dental cement. What’s more? They only take about two visits to construct and place, and they can address a variety of concerns such as chips, cracks, gaps, and stains.

Providing Lifelike Results

When addressing surface-level discrepancies, we place an important emphasis on a lifelike finish. To accomplish this, your custom veneers can be shade-matched to your smile so that you do not have to worry about a noticeable treatment and, instead, focus on loving your new grin.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the benefits of porcelain veneers or to schedule your next appointment with our team, contact Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI by calling 248-852-1820 today.