Does Your Smile Need Restorative Treatment?

Does Your Smile Need Restorative Treatment?When was the last time you were able to enjoy a meal or a drink, without pesky dental discomfort getting in your way? If your teeth seem particularly sensitive lately, much less in pain, it could likely be due to an undiagnosed dental problem such as a cavity or even an infection. The good news is that modern dental restorations can be made to look natural while still providing great protection against further erosion or infection. Ready to learn how your smile’s comfort and cosmetics could be improved? It’s time to talk to your restorative dentist!

Don’t Ignore Signs of Dental Problems

While the teeth are incredibly strong, they are not able to repair themselves the way other parts of the body can. The skin, for instance, can often heal itself from minor cuts and scrapes given time. The teeth cannot do this. That is why you should not ignore any warning signs of dental problems, as they are only likely to worsen if left untreated. Instead, it’s best to schedule a restorative appointment if you even suspect your smile could be in trouble. Common warning signs of problems include deep discoloration, heightened sensitivity, discomfort, and chronic bad breath.

Enjoy Comfort with a Modern Restoration

While dental restorations were once made primarily from metal, modern restorative treatment is designed to be more natural-looking and also more comfortable. In the case of cavities, dentists can frequently use tooth-colored fillings to help protect the tooth from further erosion. If a tooth has been chipped or cracked, a dental crown might be recommended. Both fillings and dental crowns can be designed to look like the natural teeth, while protecting them from exposure to bacteria that could lead to infection.

In Need of Restorative Treatment?

If you think your smile could be in trouble, it’s important to schedule a restorative visit as soon as possible. You can schedule a restorative consultation, today, with Dr. Okoniewski at Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, by calling (248) 852-1820.