CEREC Crowns Offer Cosmetic Benefits, And Convenience

An ongoing problem with a tooth that is affected by decay, damage, or congenital abnormalities can leave you experiencing regular pain. These problems also have the ability to impact your dental function, making it harder to bite and chew comfortably. Fortunately, restorative dental care may be more readily available than you realize. Because your Auburn Hills, MI dentist’s office uses CEREC technology to produce one-visit dental crowns, you can have a permanent restoration ready for a problem tooth in the course of one appointment! In addition to having the necessary stability to keep a vulnerable tooth protected, a CEREC crown can mimic the appearance of a natural tooth, so your smile still looks good after you undergo treatment.

Using Technology To Produce Your Crown At Our Office

CEREC technology provides your dentist with everything necessary to have a custom dental crown ready for you after just one appointment. CAD/CAM technology makes it possible to digitally design a crown to fit your tooth, and a milling machine in the office produces a ceramic restoration that is ready for placement. Once your tooth is restored, you can enjoy the cosmetic benefits, as well as better functional support.

The Relationship Between Regular Dental Checkups, And Restorative Dental Work

How can you make sure you avoid the kinds of trouble that can make it necessary to place a dental crown? Take care to thoroughly support your smile at home by brushing and flossing regularly, and limiting sugar. By doing this, and attending regular dental exams, you can keep your cavity risk lower. If you do have a problem with decay, those regular dental exams create opportunities for your dentist to identify a growing cavity. That will allow them to provide treatment when the cavity is still small enough to be addressed with a dental filling.

Advanced Dental Concepts Can Provide You With A Lifelike Dental Crown In One Appointment!

At Advanced Dental Concepts, patients who need to do something about a problem tooth can have a custom, lifelike dental crown placed in the span of just one appointment! Our practice is proud to offer a modern approach to care, so that you can enjoy a high degree of oral health support when you need work done. If you wish to learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Okoniewski by calling Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI today at (248) 852-1820.