Staying on top of your oral health means taking the time to not only provide care for your smile at home but attend your routine checkups and cleanings as well. Indeed, your grin is constantly facing threats such as infection, damage, and a myriad of other concerns, and as such, the least we could do is provide effective care and protection. Still, however, it only takes falling short in your preventive dental routine one time for a minor issue to set up camp and develop into a major problem, and in times such as these, it is essential to have a contingency plan. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses the functional benefits of dental crowns.
Wrapping Up The Year With A Checkup
It goes without saying that your smile is one of your greatest physical attributes. Indeed, it is the first one many people notice about you, and some individuals even share that a jubilant grin is indicative of heightened levels of confidence and happiness. As such, it is important we take the steps necessary to provide nothing short of excellent care, beginning with a well-rounded preventive dental routine. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist explains why six-month checkups and cleanings are important for maintaining a healthy smile, and why it is better to schedule your visit before the end of the year.
When Can I See Results From Teeth Whitening?
If you have a goal for smile improvement in mind, you can have an understandable interest in seeing that goal reached as soon as possible. Because people are sometimes in a hurry to whiten their teeth, they can choose to use a treatment that they found at their grocery store or pharmacy. While this can lead to results in a relatively short time, it can also lead to disappointment, as the results you see are limited. At our Auburn Hills, MI dentist’s office, we can provide different services that help you improve your appearance. For those who want whiter teeth, we can recommend the use of a custom-prepared teeth whitening kit that you can take home, or we can discuss seeing you for a single in-office treatment! (more…)
Dental Implants Benefit Your Smile
Nothing is worse than seeking treatment for a major toothache just to learn that even a root canal procedure cannot save your structure. Indeed, tooth loss is a complex and troubling process for many to experience, but sometimes it is the only option left when considering your overall oral health as a whole. Fortunately, prosthetic dentistry can help. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses the major benefits that accompany dental implants, and how they compare to traditional methods.
Components of Root Canal Treatment
It goes without saying that your oral health is the most important factor to consider when it comes to caring for your smile. After all, your smile’s appearance won’t matter if an overarching infection is taking place, as it will soon compromise the entire thing if treatment is not sought in a timely manner. In fact, the longer you wait, the worse the situation will likely become. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses how tooth decay continues to spread after causing a cavity, and how the infection will spread to your tooth roots, warranting the need for root canal treatment.
Filling Your Cavities Sooner With Resin
Taking care of your smile is a lifelong endeavor and one that often includes many moving parts. You see, virtually every factor can negatively influence your oral health, including tooth decay, chronic teeth grinding, the foods and beverages you consume, and everything else in-between. As such, it is important to stay on top of your preventive dental routine. But what happens when an issue develops without your knowledge? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist details the need to treat cavities as soon as possible, as well as how composite resin can help.
Are You affected By Teeth Grinding?
It goes without saying that there are countless factors out there that can pose a threat to your smile’s health, and unfortunately, there are not that many natural protections for it. Indeed, from the moment you are born and well into adulthood, your grin is constantly fending off harmful oral bacteria that cause common concerns such as tooth decay and gum disease. Bear in mind, however, that these are not the only concerns out there, and nontraditional circumstances can affect you as well. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses the impact of chronic teeth grinding and how it can lead to even bigger issues down the line.
Is Your Preventive Routine Enough?
Enduring a physical injury such as a tooth chip or crack can be particularly troubling, as it can range anywhere from a cosmetic or surface-level issue to needing restorative treatment. What’s more? Nothing is more frustrating than having this occur, especially if you take strides to provide effective care. But are you really doing everything you can for your smile? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist takes a look at the necessary components of an effective preventive dental routine, as well as how you can provide better-quality care for your grin.
What To Keep In Mind If You Crack A Tooth
The most important thing to consider when taking care of your smile is your oral health. Indeed, your oral health drives a number of purposes, including structural competency, oral function, and more. As such, staying on top of care means practicing a well-rounded preventive care routine so that your grin obtains the level of protection it deserves. But what does that mean for surface-level concerns? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist explains the impact of cosmetic dental issues on your smile, and how bonding and contouring may be able to help.
Understanding The Complications of Gum Disease
It goes without saying that the last thing anyone wants to happen is that they lose a tooth due to a condition that could have been treated if help was sought in a timely manner. While this may be at the back of some people’s minds, for others, this is a harsh reality. Indeed, dental prevention is the main practice that keeps our smiles healthy, and restorative treatment comes in handy when these methods fall short. But what about situations that may not be immediately pertaining to your teeth? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist takes a look at why it is important to consider gum health, as well as ways you can do just that.