When some oral health concerns develop, they don’t always seem like the potentially serious problems they can later become. For example, one of the most consequential oral health concerns is severe gum disease, which is also the leading cause of tooth loss and, in some cases, a significant systemic health risk. However, before gum disease becomes that severe, it first starts as a relatively minor condition known as gingivitis. Unlike its more severe stage, gingivitis doesn’t always cause highly noticeable symptoms, which may fool you into believing that it isn’t that serious of a concern. (more…)
The Roles of At-Home and Professional Teeth Cleaning
Everyone’s smile is unique, but when it comes to maintaining your good oral health, most people can benefit from similar measures. For example, everyone needs to consistently clean their teeth every day by brushing them twice and flossing them at least once, which is itself a form of preventive dental care. Also, everyone needs to attend professional dental cleanings and checkups at least twice a year, or more often if they have an existing oral health concern to worry about. (more…)
The More Intricate Way Dental Implants Replace Teeth
Your healthy, natural teeth are more complex than they may seem at first glance. On one hand, simple things like tooth sensitivity or a slight misalignment in your teeth can seem minor, but under the surface, they could cause a range of complications with your oral health, bite function, and more. On the other hand, the role that your healthy teeth play in your oral health can also be more complicated than it seems. Today, we examine why the more intricate way dental implants replace teeth matters to your oral health, and why they’re often the best solution at fully restoring the functions of your lost teeth. (more…)
How Tooth Loss Really Affects Your Oral Health
One of the greatest benefits to come out of the advancement of modern dentistry is the ability for more people to preserve their healthy, natural smiles for life. That includes successfully preventing tooth loss in ways that weren’t historically possible, such as by saving teeth with highly precise and lifelike restorations. However, tooth loss does still occur, and the other great advantage of modern dental care is the ability to address it with more lifelike and successful results than ever before. With the many different ways in which tooth loss can affect your oral health, rebuilding your smile with a lifelike dental prosthesis can be essential to preserving your smile. (more…)
How Can You Benefit from a CEREC Same-Day Crowns Same-Day Crown?
When a tooth is damaged or compromised enough to require a dental crown to restore it, seeking treatment as soon as possible benefits you in several ways. The faster you restore the tooth, the more of your healthy, undamaged tooth structure you can preserve. Also, the sooner you can enjoy biting and chewing comfortably and smiling confidently again. With advanced CEREC Same-Day Crowns technology, we may be able to help you enjoy the benefits of a lifelike dental crown and the full restoration of your tooth sooner, by creating and placing your restoration in just one visit. (more…)
How Do You Decide if Your Tooth Should Be Extracted?
Treating certain oral health concerns is much more effective when your treatment plan is custom-designed to specifically meet your needs. However, for some extreme oral health concerns, the only viable option is to extract a tooth that can no longer support your bite the way it’s meant to. Today, we examine how your dentist or oral health specialist may determine if tooth extraction is necessary, and why it’s the best option for avoiding further oral health complications. (more…)
Is Filling Your Cavity Enough to Save Your Tooth?
At least once in their lives, most people will have to (or already have had to) deal with a cavity in one of their teeth. Despite the fact that cavities, and mainly the tooth decay behind them, are largely preventable, it doesn’t take much for oral bacteria to grow numerous enough to infect your tooth structure. Fortunately, cavities can often be treated successfully and with minimal permanent changes to your tooth with a customizable tooth filling. However, not all cavities can be treated with a filling, and if you hesitate or allow your tooth decay to get worse, then it might not be enough to successfully save your tooth. (more…)
3 Ways Clear Aligners Straightens Teeth Easier
Crooked teeth are the kind of condition that’s often hard to ignore. If it’s serious enough to impact your smile’s appearance, then you’re likely to notice it every time you look in the mirror. Others are also likely to notice it, and for many people, it’s the appearance of their smiles that prompts them to seek orthodontic treatment to correct their crooked teeth. Fortunately, many people can accomplish that goal with the help of Clear Aligners clear aligners, which can help you straighten crooked teeth more discreetly than traditional braces by remaining virtually invisible when placed over your teeth. (more…)
Does TMJ Disorder Have Specific Symptoms?
TMJ disorder describes a dysfunction with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on either side of your jaw. Unlike more common dental concerns, the disorder doesn’t always mean the same thing. For example, your jaw joints might become chronically inflamed, forced out of alignment, damaged, or arthritic, depending on the unique factors surrounding your condition. Because the condition itself can vary between patients, the signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder can also be different, which is partly what makes it more challenging to know if you have it. However, there are some common symptoms that are associated with several different types of TMJ disorder, and if you experience them, they may be a hint that your jaw isn’t functioning properly. (more…)
Do You Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
It isn’t always obvious when you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), despite the fact that its dominant symptom is hard to miss. Sleep apnea involves the repeated obstruction of airway while you sleep, and as it occurs, it causes you to snore exceptionally loudly until the moment you stop breathing. However, neither the snoring nor the interruption to your breathing pattern are guaranteed to wake you up fully, and the interruptions can continue without you realizing it. Today, we explore how you can determine if you might have sleep apnea, and how a custom-designed appliance from your dentist might be able to help you overcome it. (more…)