Are You Doing Enough to Prevent Gum Disease?

One of the biggest threats to many people’s smiles is the development and progression of gum disease. In fact, the chronic condition can affect a majority of adults to some degree, manifesting as minor or more severe gum disease, depending on several factors. Because it often grows severe before people realize it, extensive gum disease is the most frequent cause of adult tooth loss, as well. The good news, however, is that gum disease is one of the most preventable oral health conditions that can impact your smile. Today, we examine some of the best ways to prevent gum disease, and whether you’re doing enough to protect your smile from it. (more…)

What Does It Take to Prevent a Toothache?

For some people, a toothache can be the most intense form of discomfort they’ve ever experienced. For others, it may just be a small nuisance, at least until grows more severe. While toothaches can mean different things to different people, one thing is almost always true – it’s cause is something that shouldn’t be ignored, or else the condition will only grow worse. Because they’re often caused by issues that grow progressively worse (such as tooth decay), the best way to deal with a toothache is to prevent it, which may be simpler than you might expect. (more…)

Things You Can Do At-Home to Prevent Cavities

Practicing good hygiene on a daily basis is only part of a good preventive dental care routine. However, it’s an important one, and how well you stick to it can largely determine how the other half – your routine visits to your dentist – will go. Today, we take a look at the importance of your daily dental care at home, and what you can do to improve your chances of preventing things like cavities and other concerns from developing by the time you visit your dentist again. (more…)

Could Your Hygiene Routine Use a Refresher?

Good dental hygiene is a skill that everyone needs to master, and one that can always use refreshing long after you’ve mastered it. Whether you’re unaware of certain things you’re doing that hinder your hygiene efforts, or are lacking in certain areas and don’t realize it, brushing up on good hygiene skills can help you ensure that your efforts are rewarded with a consistently healthy smile. Today, we take a look at some of the more common ways in which most people can improve their dental hygiene routines, and why it’s important that they stick to their improved routines consistently. (more…)

What You Really Need to Know About Tooth Loss

If you keep up with good dental hygiene and visit your dentist on a regular basis, then chances are you know a lot about keeping your smile healthy. However, that isn’t exactly the same as knowing what to expect when you’re faced with a serious oral health concern, especially those that could potentially cause you to lose one or more teeth. Today, we explain a few things that everyone should know about tooth loss, including the common reasons why it occurs for most people, and what to do to preserve your smile if it occurs. (more…)

Taking Care Of You During A Dental Emergency

At Advanced Dental Concepts, we know that it can be tricky to identify a dental emergency. However, it is an important skill to have so that you do not let problems that should be dealt with immediately worsen over time and lead to needing more extreme care like extraction. So, in today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist will help you learn to identify a dental emergency, and what to do when one occurs.


Why TMJ Disorder Can Be Difficult to Detect

If you have tooth decay or gum disease, the symptoms your condition produces can usually be identified as warning signs of that specific condition (tooth decay causes cavities, gum disease causes bleeding gums, etc.). However, if you have a bite dysfunction like TMJ disorder, the many different potential symptoms can’t always easily be identified as signs of a jaw dysfunction. There are many different things that can make your facial muscles hurt, or your chronic headaches to keep coming back. Because of this, some patients may not realize they have TMJ disorder until their dentist suggest it after a dental examination. (more…)

Things You Should Know About Having Sleep Apnea

If you snore every night, the noise that you make might seem like the biggest problem to worry about. It might not wake you up each night, but it can interrupt your sleeping partner and, depending on how loud it is, other people in your household. If you snore chronically, there may come a time when your loved ones strongly encourage you to seek treatment for it and a solution to help you sleep more peacefully. For many patients, however, the problem isn’t just one of snoring too much, but of an underlying sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. (more…)

Our Advice For Better Brushing

Brushing their teeth is one of the first hygiene practices most children learn how to do on their own. From a young age, we recognize the importance of creating and keeping up with a good dental hygiene routine- but are you really doing all you can to brush your teeth thoroughly and efficiently? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist will share some advice for how to brush your teeth better than you have before.


What’s the Real Threat of Gingivitis?

If you’ve never had gingivitis, then it may not seem serious. If you do have it, then it may seem as though you have plenty of time to address it before it does grow more severe. However, one of the biggest threats of gingivitis is the fact that it’s often taken so lightly. As the beginning stage of gum disease, gingivitis can mean the beginning of significant harm to your gums and oral tissues. Fortunately, you can mitigate the threat of gingivitis by addressing the condition as soon as it develops. With proper care and maintenance, you have an excellent chance at controlling gingivitis and gum disease as early as possible. (more…)