While surface-level damage is certainly not a preference many people wish their smile to endure, complications that impact health such as decay and infection can be even more troubling. Indeed, nobody wants their smile’s appearance to suffer, but sometimes a healthy-looking grin may turn out to host dangerous decay that is slowly but surely getting worse without treatment. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist examine what to do when the infection spreads into the roots of your teeth, and how root canal therapy can help.
How Bonding And Contouring Mends Cracks
It goes without saying that there are countless factors out there that pose a significant threat to your oral health. Indeed, from the foods you consume to physical injuries that arise from pure accident, there is not much your teeth are safe from. Because of this, it is important we practice an effective preventive care routine, including brushing, flossing, attending checkups, and paying mind to your diet. Still, some things are completely out of our control and can lead to anything from a dislodged structure to a surface-level crack. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will discuss the role that cosmetic dentistry plays, and how bonding and contouring can tend to cracks and chips in a lifelike manner.
How Your Diet Affects Your Oral Health
Protecting your smile from dental decay may not seem as daunting of a task as it truly is, especially if you are not aware of the vast array of factors that can actively damage your teeth. Indeed, taking care of your smile is much more involved than initially thought, and nearly everything can harm your precious teeth, including some of the foods and beverages you include in your diet. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist takes an in-depth look at some items you should be wary of, as well as how others can actually benefit your teeth.
Mitigating Damage With Dental Fillings
It goes without saying that dental decay is one of the most – if not, the most – common oral health concerns out there, affecting millions of individuals every year. While it is common, it is not a phenomenon to be taken lightly, however, as its affects can vary in severity, and the longer you wait to address your concern, the less successful your treatment may be. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist examines the way decay impacts your smile, as well as how composite resin fillings can mitigate damage and reinforce your tooth.
Solutions To Address Varying Levels Of Decay
Taking care of your smile is much more involved than you might initially believe. After all, your oral health consists of more than just your teeth, but your gums, tongue, lips, tissues, and other structures as well. Indeed, there are a myriad of oral health concerns that individuals must face every day, and falling short in your preventive routine can significantly impact the quality of your grin. Fortunately, restorative dentistry helps us reverse some of the damage endured this way, but failing to act in a timely manner can be a detriment to successful treatment. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses the varying degrees of decay, and how restorative treatment at different stages can help.
Prioritizing Your Periodontal Health
By now you are likely aware that taking care of your oral health involves much more than just brushing your teeth. In fact, your oral health is comprised of all aspects within your oral cavity, including the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, cheeks, and throat tissues. That being said, your preventive routine should consist of more than just brushing alone, and failing to protect other aspects of your health can lead to serious complications down the line such as oral cancer or gum disease. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses the importance of periodontal health, and how you can take steps to ensure a lifelong smile.
Complications From Incessant Bruxism
As you may know, dental care covers a wide range of areas, including cosmetic, restorative, and preventive. A well-rounded routine is intended to protect our teeth from the dangers of infection, decay, and the like, but sometimes life has other plans and these issues can arise and spread rapidly. Even still, there is more to oral health than meets the eye, and even nontraditional concerns such as incessant teeth-grinding or a dangerous sleeping disorder can complicate it. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist discusses what bruxism is and how it can impact your oral health.
It Might Be Time To Consider Extraction
Taking care of your smile can be more involved than you might have previously thought. After all, the number of threats to its health seems like a never-ending list, while the positive influencers are few and far between in comparison. Still, restorative measures help salvage an infected tooth, making it possible to enjoy your natural smile for long periods of time. In some circumstances, however, an extremely compromised tooth can actually harm your health more by remaining present as opposed to removing it. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist examines situations in which dental extraction is your best option, as well as how it can benefit your health.
Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Veneers
While your oral health is of the utmost importance, loving the smile you are in matters tremendously as well. After all, it is often the firs tasset one notices about another person, and a smile can really make a difference. When issues such as minor chips or cracks occur, however, it can really detract from your gorgeous beam, as well as impact one’s sense of self. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry makes tending to these issues a simple and straightforward process. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist takes a look at instances where blemishes tarnish your grin’s appearance, and how porcelain veneers can help.
Subtle Correction With Clear Aligners
We all know that a smile’s appearance can work wonders for one’s self-confidence. After all, a grin is often the first asset one notices about another, so why shouldn’t it be the best it can be? The problem is, however, that a myriad of complications can get in the way of achieving that perfect shine, as well as cause you to feel discouraged about revealing it. In many cases, a concern might go deeper than surface-level and cause functional issues as well as cause infection. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist takes a look at the impact that alignment has on both your grin’s health and appearance, and how misalignment can be subtly treated with the help of Clear Aligners.