You depend on a balanced smile to keep your oral health at a high level, and if your alignment is not where you need it to be, take the time to talk to your dentist about your options. Some patients hold off on orthodontic treatment due to the bulkiness or intrusion of traditional braces, and for these individuals, Clear Aligners clear aligners might be the approach for you. This method uses a set of aligner trays that progressively reach nearer to your smile goals, helping you to enhance your smile without a visible treatment process.
At Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, we help people to rediscover their love for their smile, and our team understands that alignment is a common concern that affects many people on a daily basis. Clear Aligners provides an alternative to traditional braces, helping patients to achieve a more balanced smile with a little more privacy. To find out more about the advantages of clear aligner therapy for crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth, talk to our front desk today!