Electric Toothbrushes: Try Them, Ignore Them, Or What?

For just about any brusher out there, an inevitable moment will likely occur: The one during which you ask yourself whether you should really still be using your manual toothbrush or if perhaps, you should have switched to an electric toothbrush a long time ago. Is there really a good reason to change? Is this something you should know is obviously not even worth the effort? Should you try it out and just play things by ear? When you have dental hygiene questions but you don’t know how arrive at a certain answer, remember that our Auburn Hills, MI team is always here to help.


How To Decide You’re Ready For A Cosmetic Consultation

You can feel very sure about the fact that you want a better looking smile. However, even with that certainty, you can feel less than decisive about actually scheduling a cosmetic consultation and getting into the process of really scheduling procedures, coming in to see us, and making the changes you’ve been thinking about. So, how to get through this initial hurdle that might stand in the way of your actually achieving all of those hopes you have for your grin? Utilize just a handful of simple ideas from our Auburn Hills, MI practice that will help you feel ready to set up a visit with us.


Parent Tot Gym Time: Beginning In September!

Do you love play time with your little one? Ever wish you had access to a ton of the fun things from your youth, like parachutes and big bouncy balls, so you and your kiddo could live it up? Of course, if you had some other parents to talk to, that would be nice too… Good news: The upcoming Parent Tot Gym Time series might be just what you’ve been dreaming about finding!


Summer Is Still Here: Be Kind To Your Lips!

Whether the temps have eased up a bit, you are spending time in the shade, or you feel like summer is wrapping up and have been stocking up on Thanksgiving decorations, one thing is true: The sun is still out, we’re still experiencing summer, and your lips could use some extra attention. In fact, you may recognize that they could probably use some extra TLC throughout the entire year, as your face is always receiving sunshine (and there are almost always reasons your delicate tissue is becoming dry, from A/C to central heating and more). Let’s talk about lip protection, so you’re doing your best to promote complete oral health with our Auburn Hills, MI team.


Clear Aligners: 3 Things To Do If You Think It’s For You

There may be a moment during which you think to yourself, “You know what? I think Clear Aligners treatment is just what I need!” While you may feel quite certain about this on an intuitive level, that doesn’t really mean that you know on a factual level, which may cause you to pause for a moment. Since it’s good to talk with our Auburn Hills, MI team about any and all treatments you’re considering (and since there may be a bit of preparation you need to consider before it’s time for aligner trays), we encourage you to think about some first steps to take. Not to worry: They’re nice and simple.


Dental Hygiene When In The Grips Of Morning Sickness

When you’re experiencing morning sickness, any amount of it feels very serious and can really throw you in regard to your usual habits. This is very true for your dental hygiene! Usually, you don’t think too much about the way your toothpaste smells or brushing your teeth, etc. However, when you’re pregnant and dealing with this issue, just about anything can make you queasy. So, how to make sure your oral health is safe and you can actually make it through your daily hygiene at least somewhat comfortably? Our Auburn Hills, MI team can offer you some simple yet effective advice!


Exotic Zoo At The Library

Are your kids very into animals right now? Do they love naming them, looking at them, talking about them, and hearing about them? If so, you will not want to miss your chance to bring them to this zoo-at-the-library experience that’s fun for the whole family! Plan to attend Exotic Zoo at the Library for a truly enjoyable learning moment with your little one.


Teeth Whitening: Touchy Topics And Relieving Responses!

There are some topics that can make you feel a bit squirmy when you’re considering teeth whitening. For instance, you might love dreaming about your whiter smile. However, when you think about whitening and its effects on your teeth, part of you may worry it’s going to harm your smile. You might like thinking about the future of your grin but then you might feel a little uncomfortable when you think about the fact that you could maybe just get it over with (and cheaply) with a drugstore brand. Let’s cover these topics that come up so frequently, so you feel relieved by our Auburn Hills, MI practice’s responses! (Hint: Coming in for professional whitening will be your best bet).


There Are Lots Of Ways You Can Crack A Tooth

If you’ve ever experienced a cracked tooth or if it’s something that you tend to worry about, our Auburn Hills, MI practice is here to remind you that you can stop worrying. Why? Well, because sometimes things just happen, which are completely out of your control (and, as mentioned, there’s not much you can do about that!). However, in most instances, we can provide you with some important knowledge that will guide you away from damage! In addition, we can help you, should you end up with any type of tooth trauma. Learn a bit more, so you feel much more confident about protecting your teeth!


Gum Health: Things That Don’t Replace Flossing

You might find yourself somewhat ecstatic one day, standing in the bathroom, as you assume you’ve just stumbled upon a secret: You think you found a way to avoid flossing! Instead, you believe you’ve found the one replacement that can work wonders for your gum health! This sounds very exciting! However, our Auburn Hills, MI team has got to let you in on the truth: Unless it’s dental floss, the stuff you buy in a little container in the dental hygiene aisle, it’s not going to allow you to complete your smile care. (Hint: If you need help with flossing because you’re not having a good time with it, come in for some assistance!).
