Have you ever played euchre? Not even sure how to read that word, let alone play the game? Well, then, you are in for a treat! This card game (it’s pronounced yoo-ker, by the way!) is a fun, social card game that you can pick up quickly by joining our local Euchre Club!
A Few Surprises About Missing Teeth
Tooth loss is a common occurrence for adults these days, but many patients still don’t know as much as they should about the condition. For patients who haven’t lost any teeth yet, that knowledge could help them avoid the most common causes of it. For those who have, knowing what the loss means for your smile and how best to address the loss could help you successfully preserve the rest of your healthy, natural smile. Today, we look at a few surprising facts about missing teeth, including what you may be at risk of if you don’t address it as soon as possible. (more…)
CEREC Same-Day Crowns: Questions And Answers
CEREC Same-Day Crowns dental crowns are extremely convenient, which is generally the first thing you hear about them as you become familiar. However, since this may be completely new technology and information to you, the convenience may sound exciting but you may be lacking any context. To help you get a bit more excited about this type of restorative option and to better understand what you can look forward to, should you need help with a damaged tooth, our question-and-answer session may act as your much needed springboard.
The Lowdown On Wisdom Teeth
What’s what when it comes to whether you will require wisdom teeth removal, you wonder? Why don’t you seem to have any of these teeth, while you know that most people you have met have already had theirs taken out? If you have questions about these teeth, also referred to as third molars, then we will be happy to explain. Begin with the general introduction to what you can expect and then remember that a visit with us is a smart way to follow up.
Mad Hatter Tea Party
What’s more enjoyable than an old-fashioned tea party when you’re spending time with the kiddos? If you love finding family-friendly events that welcome every member of the fam, then this one’s for you! Learn more about the upcoming Mad Hatter Tea Party!
3 Things You May Not Know: About Crowns!
There are probably some facts you could rattle off about dental crowns if we were to ask you. However, you might be surprised to find out there may be a few things you’ve never heard about crowns before (and they just might be things that can be quite beneficial for your smile, should you find yourself in need of a restoration one day). Add some new details to your mental files on restorative care, so you feel even more educated on this topic!
Root Canal Therapy: Things You Don’t Know Just Yet
If you’ve never had root canal therapy before, then you may have a general idea about how it can help you but you might not know much about the finer details. If you’ve recently discovered that this is the treatment you need and you need it soon, then you are likely ready to know a bit more, so restoring your oral health through the help of this treatment doesn’t feel like such a mystery. Let us clue you into the stuff that can fill in the blanks for the information you’re missing.
Dental Fillings: Q&A Time!
Particularly if you speak with friends, you look around online, or you spend a lot of time reflecting before you visit us for a tooth-colored dental filling, you may end up accumulating quite a lot of questions. This, of course, is something we welcome! We are always glad to extend the details and facts you’re seeking, so your feelings about caring for your smile are positive. To get the ball rolling, we’d like to begin by offering up information in response to questions we very commonly hear from our own patients.
Stop The Bleed Event
No, it’s not necessarily the beautiful, blossom-filled day you had in mind when you thought about a lovely spring evening out on the town! However, attending the Stop The Bleed event is certainly something that may benefit you and your fellow community members. It just might be worth considering.
Veneers: 3 Things You’re Getting A Bit Wrong
There are some exciting details about porcelain veneers that you’ve memorized and that you’ve memorized correctly. However, there may also be some information surrounding veneers that have gotten a bit muddied up, that are based on things you’ve heard from friends, and more that are not exactly right. Unfortunately, this type of misinformation may color the way you view veneers, either causing you to figure they’re not for you or giving you the false impression that they can do something they cannot. We would like to review a few common areas of uncertainty to eliminate unnecessary confusion! Remember, if you have questions, just let us know.