At Advanced Dental Concepts, we know that it can be tricky to identify a dental emergency. However, it is an important skill to have so that you do not let problems that should be dealt with immediately worsen over time and lead to needing more extreme care like extraction. So, in today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist will help you learn to identify a dental emergency, and what to do when one occurs.
Why TMJ Disorder Can Be Difficult to Detect
If you have tooth decay or gum disease, the symptoms your condition produces can usually be identified as warning signs of that specific condition (tooth decay causes cavities, gum disease causes bleeding gums, etc.). However, if you have a bite dysfunction like TMJ disorder, the many different potential symptoms can’t always easily be identified as signs of a jaw dysfunction. There are many different things that can make your facial muscles hurt, or your chronic headaches to keep coming back. Because of this, some patients may not realize they have TMJ disorder until their dentist suggest it after a dental examination. (more…)
Things You Should Know About Having Sleep Apnea
If you snore every night, the noise that you make might seem like the biggest problem to worry about. It might not wake you up each night, but it can interrupt your sleeping partner and, depending on how loud it is, other people in your household. If you snore chronically, there may come a time when your loved ones strongly encourage you to seek treatment for it and a solution to help you sleep more peacefully. For many patients, however, the problem isn’t just one of snoring too much, but of an underlying sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. (more…)
Our Advice For Better Brushing
Brushing their teeth is one of the first hygiene practices most children learn how to do on their own. From a young age, we recognize the importance of creating and keeping up with a good dental hygiene routine- but are you really doing all you can to brush your teeth thoroughly and efficiently? In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist will share some advice for how to brush your teeth better than you have before.
What’s the Real Threat of Gingivitis?
If you’ve never had gingivitis, then it may not seem serious. If you do have it, then it may seem as though you have plenty of time to address it before it does grow more severe. However, one of the biggest threats of gingivitis is the fact that it’s often taken so lightly. As the beginning stage of gum disease, gingivitis can mean the beginning of significant harm to your gums and oral tissues. Fortunately, you can mitigate the threat of gingivitis by addressing the condition as soon as it develops. With proper care and maintenance, you have an excellent chance at controlling gingivitis and gum disease as early as possible. (more…)
How Important Is Dental Hygiene, Really?
The most common piece of advice you can receive about caring for your smile is to make sure you stick to a routine of good dental hygiene every day. However, it can be easy to forget what constitutes “good” dental hygiene, and what’s merely going through the motions without paying much attention. For example, it’s important to not just brush your teeth every day, but do so at least twice, and pay special attention to cleaning along your gum line. Sticking to good hygiene principles may be more important than you realize, and today, we help you understand why. (more…)
Celebrate International Women’s Day This Weekend!
International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th each year, and, no matter how you celebrate, you should always feel confident in your own skin. At Advanced Dental Concepts, we understand that your smile can sometimes make or break your confidence, so we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us if there is anything you wish to change about your smile so that we can provide you with the restorative and cosmetic procedures needed to help your smile, and, thus, your confidence, to reach its fullest potential. And, if you already love your smile, don’t forget to jump start your spring cleaning by scheduling a spring teeth cleaning!
How Dental Implants Help When…
Unless you’ve already worn dental implants for a while, it can sometimes seem difficult to differentiate what makes them more advantageous than more traditional restorations. Aside from the fact that they replace your lost teeth roots, you might not understand just how serious the implications are to your oral health. Today, we examine a few ways in which dental implants help rebuild your smile after you’ve recently lost a tooth, or when your current tooth replacement needs to be improved or replaced. (more…)
What Prosthetic Dentistry Does for Your Smile
When a tooth is in trouble, restorative dental treatment can often save it. By restoring the tooth’s health and integrity, stopping it from receiving further damage, and/or preventing an infection from growing worse, you have a good chance at saving your tooth. However, losing or extracting a tooth doesn’t leave any tooth structure to be restored. To reestablish your good oral health and bite function, you’ll need a custom-designed dental prosthesis, such as a dental bridge, denture, or dental implants, to fully rebuild your smile. (more…)
Celebrate Leap Year At Family Movie Night
If you enjoy getting cozy in your pajamas and munching on popcorn while watching movies with your family, you’ll want to check out Family Movie Night tonight at the YMCA! Then, continue to celebrate leap year by getting a jump start on the smile of your dreams at Advanced Dental Concepts, where your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist can provide you with the cosmetic and restorative solutions needed to solve all of your smile issues and put you well on your way to a smile that makes you feel confident all year round.