Restoring Your Smile Easier with a Same-Day Crown

The unique ways in which a dental crown can fortify and protect a tooth can often make restoring your smile much easier. By capping the tooth’s entire visible structure, a custom-made crown can completely restore its strength and ability to function. Today, benefiting from a custom dental crown to restore your smile is even easier thanks to our advanced CEREC Same-Day Crowns technology. Using the technology, we can prepare your tooth, design and create your crown, and secure it in place, all in a single day! (more…)

Does Your Tooth Need to Be Extracted?

If you take good care of your teeth on a consistent basis, then there’s a good chance that you’ll lose one of them, or need to have one extracted. However, good hygiene and preventive dental care aren’t exactly guarantees against tooth loss, or some of the unavoidable issues that could lead to it. In some severe cases, tooth extraction may be the best solution for mitigating a compromised tooth’s impact on your oral health. It can also pave the way for your dentist to replace the tooth with a stronger, more durable, and custom-designed restoration. (more…)

Would You Know if You Need Root Canal Treatment

For some people, finding out that a tooth needs root canal treatment in order to save it can be surprising. However, some patients might expect that their tooth is in serious trouble given the many different symptoms they’ve been experiencing. The need for root canal treatment stems from the presence of severe decay in the inner chambers of your tooth, including its pulp and root canal. The procedure is designed to remove the infection from these chambers, stopping it from progressing and protecting the rest of your healthy, natural tooth structure. (more…)

A Few Things to Know About Filling Your Cavity

Some dental treatments are popular because they’re quick, convenient, and highly effective, such as cosmetic teeth-whitening. Other treatments, however, are popular because they’re the best way to treat a highly common condition. For example, cavities are the most common chronic dental issue to affect patients of all ages, and in many cases, the best way to treat them is with tooth-colored fillings. Today, we look at a few things you should know if you develop a cavity and how we can address the decay and fill the hole in your tooth. (more…)

Make The Whole Family Smile At A Fairytale Princess Ball

At Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, we want every member of your family to feel confident when they smile, so we are devoted to caring for the dental health of patients young and old. And, whether your family members are young or just young at heart, they are sure to have a magical time this weekend at the Fairytale Princess Ball.


Could Your Smile Really Benefit from Veneers?

The art of improving your smile’s appearance con sometimes seem a lot more complicated than it actually is. For example, the more teeth you have that need improvement, the more extensive it can seem your cosmetic treatment will have to be. With custom-designed porcelain veneers, it often doesn’t have to be. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are customized to replicate the healthy, blemish-free appearance of your teeth. Depending on your specific smile needs, an appropriate number of veneers may be able to improve them all at once. (more…)

What Life with Clear Aligners Can Be Like

Straightening your smile when your teeth are crooked is one thing. Depending on how out of alignment your teeth are, the effects of your malocclusion can be significant, and realigning them can eliminate many of those effects. However, undergoing orthodontic treatment to straighten them is another thing entirely. For many adult patients, the idea of wearing metal braces for a few years can seem daunting, despite the inconveniences of their crooked teeth now. Fortunately, Clear Aligners clear aligners can help alleviate those concerns by providing a more convenient and discreet solution to straightening crooked teeth. (more…)

Show Off Your Smile At An Oscars Viewing Party

If you are planning on watching the Oscars this weekend, whether you love awards shows or watch them as a social event, consider attending the Maple Theater Annual Oscars Viewing Party! While you’re admiring the smiles of all of Hollywood’s biggest stars, don’t be deterred! With help from the team at Advanced Dental Concepts in Auburn Hills, MI, you can have a smile that rivals those of the brightest stars of the screen. If you’re in the mood for a full smile makeover, we would love to consult with you and help you reach your goals.


How to Successfully Brighten Your Teeth with Whitening

Teeth stains are common, and so is the process of whitening teeth to erase the stains that develop on their surfaces. Because this is so common, many people are tempted to skip the middle man – their dentists – and buy whitening products over-the-counter to quickly address the problem. However, such solutions are rarely successful, and in addition to wasting time and money on them, they can also end up causing more harm to your teeth than good. Today, we examine why successfully brightening your smile requires professional teeth-whitening treatment, instead. (more…)