Are There Safe and Effective Ways to Brighten Teeth?

Are There Safe and Effective Ways to Brighten Teeth?Do you dream of having dazzling white teeth, but worry that actually achieving that kind of gorgeous smile could be impossible? If so, fret not. There are, in fact, safe and effective ways to lighten and brighten one’s teeth. You simply need to understand the solutions that are available, and to smart about how you go about lightening your teeth. For instance, misuse of whitening products can lead to increased tooth sensitivity or even enamel damage. To protect your smile, why not consider talking to your cosmetic dentist about how professional whitening could help give you the results you want, safely and efficiently? (more…)

Looking for Family-friendly Fun? Visit the Library

Looking for Family-friendly Fun? Visit the LibraryIs your family anxious to find some new ways to spend quality time together? If so, have you considered visiting the Auburn Hills Public Library. Not only can you stock up on great reads for the rest of summer and for starting fall, but you can also enjoy special activities throughout the month. For instance, from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 19, 2017, families are invited to attend the Family Board Game Bonanza! (more…)

Could Healthy Snacks Actually Help Your Smile?

Could Healthy Snacks Actually Help Your Smile?You might think that snacking is bad for your smile. After all, many dentists regularly warn their clients about chewing on sugary treats throughout the day, which can certainly increase the likelihood of developing cavities. Fortunately, when it comes to snacks, not all are created equal. In fact, there are actually many smile-friendly snack choices that could actually help you keep your smile cavity-free and healthy. You just need to know which make the smartest dietary – and dental – choices, and to make sure you also see your dentist regularly for preventive care, of course.


Want a Lovely Smile? Take Good Care of It

Want a Lovely Smile? Take Good Care of ItNo one wants to be embarrassed by deep discoloration of their teeth, excessive wear, or even chipped or missing teeth. While cosmetic dentistry can help to address many cosmetic imperfections, forming healthy habits at-home can go a long way in keeping your smile looking its best. From your daily hygiene routine, to how often you see the family dentist, to what you are sipping and snacking on throughout the day, if you want a beautiful smile, make sure you’re making choices and seeking preventive care that will help keep it healthy and looking great! (more…)

Enjoy Bikes, Beer, Bands and More at Ton-Up In Ypsilanti

Enjoy Bikes, Beer, Bands and More at Ton-Up In YpsilantiDo you love bikes, of all shapes and sizes? If so, it’s time to gear up for the 8th Annual Ton-Up event on Sunday, September 10, 2017 in Ypsilanti, Michigan. All bikes are welcome to participate, too, organizers say, encouraging guests to “ride ‘em on up.” The event is free and open to the public. It’s also designed to be fun for all ages. There will be live bands, lots of bikes, and plenty of beer and food, as well. This year’s event is being held at a new location, Arbor Brewing Company in Ypsilanti, which is conveniently located near Cross Street in Depot Town. (more…)

Do You Know the Most Common Oral Health Problems?

Do You Know the Most Common Oral Health Problems?Do you ever find yourself wondering how common dental cavities actually are, or even what the most common health threats people’s smiles face? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel more than a little bit misinformed when it comes to their smiles. Fortunately, a little knowledge goes a long way, as long as you back up your newfound knowledge about oral health with the simple steps meant to help protect your smile, like getting regular dental checkups and cleanings. (more…)

Knocked Out a Tooth? Here’s What to Do!

Knocked Out a Tooth? Here’s What to Do!Ouch. If you are involved in contact sports, you may have lost a tooth in the past. Accidents and trauma can also cause teeth to fall out, which can feel traumatic, even frightening. The good news is that with swift action, and restorative treatment, your lost tooth might actually be able to be saved, which is good for both your comfort and your confidence. There are simply some important steps to be taken, if you want to try to save your knocked out tooth, prevent further dental problems, and to restore your oral health. (more…)

What Are the Best Foods for the Smile?

What Are the Best Foods for the Smile?If you want to enjoy great oral health, then you may have already committed to taking great care of your teeth and gums through daily brushing and flossing, and even regular preventive dental care. These are certainly important steps in protecting the smile. Yet another simple and effective way to prevent dental problems, like cavities, is by eating healthy foods that are good for your whole body, including your smile. Of course, equally important, is avoiding the kind of acidic foods that can lead to tooth decay. (more…)

Looking for Fun? Attend the Auburn Hills’ Concert Series

Looking for Fun? Attend the Auburn Hills’ Concert Series
If you love nothing more than a good concert, or an excuse to get together with friends, then you are surely in luck. The City of Auburn Hills will continue to host Summer Music Nights now through August 18, downtown at Riverside Park. The concert series takes place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday nights. The forthcoming lineup includes Weekend Comeback and Variety on July 28, Marely-ritaville, then Jimmy Buffett & The Beach Boys on August 4, Merge and Oldies on August 11, and The Classics, plus ‘30’s – ‘90’s on August 18. So, grab your friends and a blanket, and don’t miss the next great concert! (more…)

Can You Do Even More to Prevent Cavities?

Can You Do Even More to Prevent Cavities?No one wants to go to the dentist, only to be diagnosed with a dreaded dental cavity. Yet the vast majority of adults in America will suffer from dental decay. Unaddressed, cavities can lead to worsening discomfort, and eventually tooth-threatening infections. Fortunately, cavities are largely preventable. You simply need to make some smart choices at-home, and to combine those healthy decisions with regular preventive checkups and cleanings from your family dentist. These are the best ways to keep your smile healthy and cavity-free.
