Schedule Your Exam And Cleaning Before The Year Ends

The holidays will be here before you know it, so now is the perfect opportunity to see us for a routine visit. With a checkup and cleaning, your Auburn Hills, MI, dentist can help you enjoy your holiday events with a brighter and healthier smile. But what makes an exam and cleaning so vital for your smile’s health and beauty? How often should you have one?


Something Special from Stoney Creek Model Railroad Club

If you are looking for a family-friendly activity in Auburn Hills, MI consider a visit to admire (and interact with) the model train exhibit hosted by the Stoney Creek Model Railroad club. This detailed exhibit has been a year in planning, and will delight children and adults alike. The exhibit opened in late November, and continues through early 2020. Whether you see yourself driving the engine, or waving from caboose, you will find a enjoyable afternoon of activities. (more…)

Enhancing Teeth Replacements with Dental Implants

In addition to the impacts you experience after losing the visible parts of your teeth, there are also significant impacts to losing their roots, as well. Conventional dental bridges, partials, and complete dentures can do an excellent job of helping patients rebuild their smile by replacing their visible tooth structures. However, it takes the unique ability of dental implants to replace your lost teeth roots in order for your restoration to truly replicate your healthy, natural teeth. (more…)

Tooth Loss Solutions With Bridges And Partial Dentures

When we lose one or more of our natural teeth, this leads to much more than just embarrassing gaps in our smile. In fact, tooth loss could lead to everything from misalignment to serious jaw joints disorders. In order to restore smiles in Auburn Hills, MI, suffering from tooth loss, our team may recommend a custom bridge or possibly a partial denture.


Tweens and Teens: Library Events for Fun

Having a teenager or tween hanging around home and at loose ends can be a challenge, especially if weather outside isn’t the greatest, and homework is winding down, in preparation for a winter holidays. The Auburn Hills Library has your back, with separate events for tweens and teens. They are both at the same time and location, so one carpool can bring a smile to your family, from grades 5 through 12. The library itself is open as well, so parents and siblings can browse the books and other offerings, even if not taking part in the tween and teen activities. (more…)

Why Same-Day Dental Crowns Are Such a Big Deal

Dental crowns are a well-known staple of modern dentistry, and today, they’re so lifelike that it seems there isn’t much room left for improvement. Made from high-quality materials, like dental porcelain, that closely match the color, shade, and even shine of your healthy tooth structure, many of today’s dental crowns are already nearly indistinguishable from the rest of your healthy teeth. Yet, there is one area in which technology still allows for a significant improvement over the dental crown process. Using CEREC Same-Day Crowns technology, we can streamline the design and creation of your crown to complete your restoration in just one day! (more…)

Caring for Your Teeth Between Checkups and Cleanings

There are two main, well-known points about keeping your smile healthy that most people easily recognize – brushing and flossing your teeth every day, and visiting your dentist regularly. Despite being well-known, however, not everyone practices consistently good hygiene every day, or attends every dental checkup and cleaning appointment that their dentists recommend. In fact, lack of consistently good care between checkups and cleanings are one of the biggest factors in the development of things like tooth decay and gum disease. To help you avoid such issues, we take a look at a few important tips for taking better care of your teeth between your regularly scheduled checkup and cleaning appointments. (more…)

Key Factors Of Fantastic Oral Health! 

Oral health is something that you know you’d like to harness and then keep up for the rest of your days! It means teeth and gums in wonderful condition, breath that would make anyone envious, and a very easy experience with your grin. However, the more you think about it, the more you realize that as important as “good health” is for your oral tissues, you’re not always sure about the factors that it includes. Is it just all about your smile feeling good? Looking good? Or, are there some very important building blocks to it? Our Auburn Hills, MI team is happy to report that the key factors are simple to learn and can help guide you toward easily protecting your smile with ease!


A Welcoming Guest Room: Dental Style

Summer is one big suitcase season, but November and December mean travel for many families as well. When you are the one doing the traveling, please remember to pack any custom items, such as your dental appliance for safe sleeping, if you have obstructive sleep apnea. When you are the one hosting guests, whether for an afternoon or several nights, your Auburn Hills, MI family dentist wants you to have a welcoming guest room that supports every smile. (more…)

Christmas Tree Lighting 2019! 

Ho, ho, ho and happy holidays! While Christmas may still seem far off, it’s actually heading our way quite quickly! To get the merriness of this season kicked off with a bright, twinkling display and some nostalgic fun, you won’t want to miss out on our Auburn Hills, MI annual Christmas Tree Lighting event for 2019! So, get your gloves out, find your favorite holiday sweater, and gather up the family for a cozy evening!
