4 Exciting Details: Your CEREC Same-Day Crowns Crown!

When you learn that we offer CEREC Same-Day Crowns crowns at our Auburn Hills, MI dental practice, you know that this is a good thing! You hear the excitement in our voices as we mention it, you have heard this term before, but as far as you are concerned, you don’t know what makes this any more wonderful than a traditional crown (and you’ve never been too excited about those). So, what’s the big deal and what are these amazing benefits you aren’t clued into just yet? Why, we would be ever so happy to share them with you!


Your Gum Symptoms, What They Mean, And What To Do

Your gums usually look a certain way and feel a certain way and it’s just what you’re accustomed to. It doesn’t mean it’s something you think about on a day-to-day basis. However, when something changes and you recognize a symptom of a potential problem, that’s when you realize a shift has occurred … and you’re probably not too sure about how to respond (or what it means). Fortunately, when it comes to gum symptoms that might point to gum disease, our Auburn Hills, MI team is here to help you with a diagnosis and with periodontal care, should you need it! Find out more!


Grandparents Day Hike And Craft Event 2019

Does your son or daughter love spending time with a much loved grandparent? It’s a special bond and something that likely puts a big smile on your face! If you’re nodding your head in agreement, they you may want to be sure to mention a very special upcoming celebration in our Auburn Hills, MI community! It’s a day just for them: Grandparents Day Hike And Craft! Register soon!


Clear Aligners: 3 Things To Avoid Completely 

It’s Clear Aligners treatment and it’s here to get your smile into beautiful alignment! Right? Well, you might recognize that this is what clear aligners do but you may wonder if they’re for you. You may also find yourself feeling curious about knock-off options. There may be a lot of details that you’re curious about, in fact! So, to help ensure you remain on the correct path that will protect your smile and correctly and safely guide it toward alignment, our Auburn Hills, MI team has some serious suggestions (hint: they include things you should completely avoid!).


Back To School Yoga: September 

It’s back to school for just about everyone you know in Auburn Hills, MI, including yourself and your family! If you’re an adult, then this can mean a long to-do list that your kids cannot even fathom! If you’re a kid, well, it means lots of new experiences, getting back into days in the classroom, and getting used to homework again. From whatever angle you experience the beginning of the school year, there’s certainly a bit of potential for stress (that you just might end up internalizing)! Ready for a quick break, so you can relax and recenter yourself? You and your family might really benefit from the upcoming Back To School Yoga event!


Cavities: Why Won’t They Go Away For Good?

Have you had a cavity or two and, just when you thought you had all of the details down pat that would help you avoid any additional tooth decay in the future … along comes another one? This can, of course, feel very frustrating if not downright defeating! However, before you allow what feels like another failure to burst your bubble completely, our Auburn Hills, MI team encourages you to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We can help you pinpoint some additional areas of concern you may be overlooking (and that, once addressed, will help you say goodbye to cavity formation!).


Dental Hygiene Myths: The Truth! 

While it doesn’t seem like the type of thing anyone wants to sit around coming up with, myths are made up and believed when it comes to dental care! It’s often the result of assumptions, misinformation, and simply getting the wrong idea about something (even if it seems logical). So, to help you out with figuring out whether you’re making the right choice as you believe something you’ve heard (or if, in fact, that particular detail isn’t accurate), our Auburn Hills, MI team is ready for a bit of mythbusting! For additional topics and questions, simply come in and ask us questions during your next checkup!


Gardner-White Food Truck Rally

Would you say that you’re generally excited about any chance to grab some interesting fare from food trucks and to get a free dessert in the process? If you’ve never met a food truck or deal you didn’t immediately like, then the upcoming Gardner-White Food Truck Rally may be tailor made for you! If you happen to be in the market for a new mattress, too, well … then this Auburn Hills, MI event was written in the stars with you in mind! Don’t miss out on the fun.


It’s Almost Fall: What’s Lingering On Your To-Do List?

Of course, it’s very exciting to look up from whatever you’ve been doing throughout the summer, only to realize that autumn is nearly upon us! Hooray! However, as you quickly reflect on all that this means, you may find yourself scrambling to accomplish whatever is left on your to-do list for the summer season. Is there anything lingering on your list of important tasks and choices, when it comes to your smile or your general oral health? If the answer is yes, then our Auburn Hills, MI team encourages you to go ahead and get in touch with us, so you can be sure you enter into fall with a (healthy) smile on your face.


Your Breath, Home Care, And Professional Care

Your breath: When things are good with your oral health and you’re on track with your dental care, your breath is good! However, when things are bad (meaning, you’re not exactly up to date with the care you should be providing for yourself), then your breath is bad. Didn’t realize that there was such a strong connection between the two? If not, then now is the time to become more familiar with the details, as you explore the different parts of your smile care and how they are directly linked with whether or not you have lovely breath!
