Yes, if you’ve lived in the Auburn Hills, MI community for any time at all, then you know all about our beloved custodian Bruce Howell and the contest thrown every year in his honor. If you’ve been impatiently awaiting its arrival, we have good news for you: The 3rd Annual Bruce Howell Memorial Free Throw Contest is almost here, so practice those free throws and plan on attending!
Discomfort And Dental Care: What You Need To Know!
When you start talking with friends or family members about dental care, it’s easy to find yourself listening to stories about trips to the dental office (which include some not so savory details). As a result, you may find yourself wondering if certain types of smile care really are uncomfortable (or not), why people seem so hesitant to seek out professional care, what you can expect from our Auburn Hills, MI practice, and more! To ensure you always feel confident in seeking smile help from us, allow us to clear up any confusion as it applies to comfort and your care!
Smile Care Things You Only Think Are “Better” But Aren’t
You may hear about a particular product, treatment, or something else that is related to your smile care and immediately think that it’s better than everything else. You may compare two services and deem one better than the other. The list goes on. However, we remind you that in most instances, a particular product or service that seems flashier, more modern, or more exciting is only better if if work best for you (though it isn’t inherently above the rest). Examine some examples with our Auburn Hills, MI team, so you realize you’re likely doing a wonderful job no matter what you pick!
Here Comes February: Let It Lead Your Smile Care!
There’s so much that happens in February but it might not seem like the most eventful month until you really think about it. Consider the details: First, the groundhog pops out to let you and our Auburn Hills, MI team and everyone else know how much longer it is until spring! Then, Valentine’s Day shows up. In addition, did you know that the entirety of February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Phew! It’s an action packed month, so we ask, why not let it guide your smile care choices? See what we mean!
3 Statements That Don’t Mean Your Smile Is Healthy
There are some things that you may say with pride, as you think to yourself, “Yep, this means my smile is perfectly healthy!” However, though they give you some warm fuzzy feelings to announce either to yourself or to others, it’s important to know that many commonly held beliefs about what represents good oral health are not always as accurate as they seem. Consider a few things of the statements you make in regard to your grin that leave you with the impression that your teeth and gums are in pristine condition (when the opposite may be true). Then of course, if you realize it may be time for a visit, come on in to see our Auburn Hills, MI team!
Stop Asking Yourself If Cosmetic Care Is Necessary
Rather than asking yourself if cosmetic care is necessary, we encourage you to take on a new perspective and to instead ask yourself some other questions that may better assist you in determining whether you are ready. Remember that if you continue to come up against the fact that improving the esthetics of your smile isn’t necessary for your oral health or to be successful in life but you do want it, you’ll likely get stuck in a loop! Instead, if you dig a bit deeper, you can determine whether it’s important and beneficial to you and, as a result, attribute value to particular treatments. Once you realize the impact it might have, you will feel much more ready to contact our Auburn Hills, MI team, so you may see us for personalized smile care.
Treating Your Smile Now Versus Later: 3 Things To Remember
You may think to yourself that treating your smile now is the the same thing as treating your smile later. You figure that it’s all about getting it done eventually. However, what our Auburn Hills, MI team would like to point out is that this is actually not accurate. Treating your smile sooner than later with consistent dental care is extremely important in promoting a smile that’s healthy now and later. Learn more about what we mean!
Line Dancing: A Weekly Event!
Have you every wished you could pop your boots on, head out to the honky tonk, and really show off your dance steps? If you’ve had a fantasy even remotely close to this one but you don’t know the first thing about boot-scooting, then the current Line Dancing series is right up your alley! Don’t miss out on the weekly fun in our Auburn Hills, MI community!
Floss Frustration: Fumbling And Frowning Through Your Dental Hygiene!
Do you feel like instead of getting through the part of your dental hygiene during which you simply need to floss your smile, instead of things going smoothly, you’re doing a bit of fumbling? Maybe you’re not having a hard time with the technical side of things but you are feeling resentful the entire time because you are absolutely, 100 percent, not enjoying the experience! Whatever is making this otherwise brief moment of your day something you remember so well (and that you do not look forward to), our Auburn Hills, MI team believes we can turn this whole thing around with insight you may not have unearthed just yet.
Teen “How To” Adult Series: Filing A 1040EZ
There’s quite a lot that you learn as you grow up! Through experience, during class time, from parents, and more, knowledge comes at you from every direction! However, as your teens may be realizing as they approach adulthood, there are some details (such as filing one’s taxes) that may fall between the cracks. For a fun and educational take on growing up and feeling prepared, your kids may wish to attend the upcoming Teen “How To” Adult Series: Filing A 1040EZ.