Civilian Response To Active Shooter Events

It’s absolutely not something you ever want to even consider happening in your community. However, if you find yourself wondering how you would or should respond in the event of an active shooter, then you may find that you feel uninformed and perhaps helpless. Our Auburn Hills Police Officer Miller wants to ensure you feel the very opposite! Get the education you need at the upcoming Civilian Response To Active Shooter Events.


Hard, Chewy, Sticky Foods: Why Avoid Them?

Are you someone who gravitates toward extremely hard foods because you love the crunch factor? Perhaps you find yourself frequently eating chewy or sticky food that can take quite a while to chew, break down, and swallow. While the particular texture of your food selections may not have ever been something you thought much about, it may be time to start! Did you know that when you choose such items, you may be making your jaws vulnerable to damage or you may even be making an existing case of TMJ disorder worse? It’s true!


Gingivitis: Now You See It, Now You…Don’t?

There are some things in life that are glaringly obvious. Then, there’s gingivitis. Sometimes you see that it’s affecting your smile and you know in an instant that it’s time to come in for care. Other times, well, you won’t really notice that something is wrong with your gum health because you won’t see any change whatsoever. How are you supposed to know what to do with this information, when what you primarily rely on is your senses? Not to worry: There are answers.


Your Options: Athletic Mouthguards For Kids

You may think to yourself that you don’t remember ever wearing a mouthguard when you were a kid. However, you may also remember some kids involved in particular sports who had to wear them. Then, there was that one friend of yours who had a tooth knocked out during a soccer game! While it may not seem like a huge threat, participating in sports (though this is a wonderful thing) can place your child’s oral health in the direct line of potential trauma. Choose a mouthguard to prevent damage, it’s easy and worth it!


Auburn Hills Writers’ Group

Are you a writer but you aren’t really sure who to share your writing with who might say more than, “Oh, that was good!” … so you’re sort of stuck? The good news is that, while it’s always nice to share with friends and family, you can expand your horizons by attending the Auburn Hills Writers’ Group!


The Point of Checkups and Cleanings

The general rule for keeping your smile healthy and preventing common dental diseases is to stick to a routine of excellent hygiene and regular checkup and cleaning appointments. The act of cleaning your teeth every day at home and every few months at your dentist’s office prevents the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth from lingering. If they do, then the bacteria that make up these substances will have time to attack your teeth and gums, causing tooth decay, gum disease, and more. (more…)

Dental Implants: Stop Doubting Candidacy

We understand that when you learn about dental implants, you may be blown away by what these tiny powerhouses can do for your smile. As a result, you may convince yourself that becoming a candidate for this prosthetic solution for tooth loss must be quite difficult. The truth is, it’s not as serious as you think. We suggest you do your best to stop doubting candidacy and instead, to see us about your smile. You may discover implants are absolutely an option for you!


How Ignoring Oral Health Affects Your Life

You know that ignoring your oral health and the care you should provide it isn’t responsible. However, you may not have a very solid handle on what might happen not only to your smile itself but also to your life should you choose to go down this path. How does brushing your smile, flossing, and scheduling your six-month preventive visits actually affect your day to day experience? Let’s cover some details that will certainly hit home.


Cosplay Night

Is your teenager a bit obsessed with cosplay? Do you hear all about anime or manga on a daily basis? If your son or daughter has a penchant for putting together costumes representative of this hobby, then this upcoming Cosplay Night might be a truly fantastic experience for your teen!


Reasons You May Love Fastbraces

You might not like the idea of wearing braces on your teeth even though you really want a straight smile. However, you might love the idea of Fastbraces once you learn more about why they will provide you the improvement you want without the drawbacks you associated with orthodontics. Consider a few reasons choosing to speak with us about this solution may work very well for your alignment needs and preferences!
