End Of Year Resolutions

Before we start talking about New Year’s resolutions, let’s begin by discussing some things that can make 2017 even better. As a result, you’ll head right into the New Year with the ability to focus on bigger details, rather than worrying about a pile of issues (such as whether you’re keeping your smile clean enough every day). Maybe you want whitening. Perhaps you think you may resolve to consider orthodontics. Don’t let something as easy to maintain as dental hygiene get in your way!


Quiz: Can That Happen In Winter?

You may have some ideas about what can and cannot happen during the winter. Unfortunately, like a lot of assumptions or generally believed ideas, they might not always be right. It’s important to ensure your thoughts about your dental care and oral health are completely based on fact, so you can make sure you are ready to protect your smile now and throughout the entire year. The last thing you want is to realize when it’s too late that you could have kept your teeth and gums safe if you’d known just a bit more.


3 Things To Remember About Restorative Care

There are some things that we encourage you to remember about restorative care. Unfortunately, this are of dentistry is often not quite as favorable to our patients as others. You may have ideas about coming in to have your smile fixed up that aren’t really in line with the way we see things. Perhaps you’re worried about comfort or you hesitate because you aren’t sure you really need repairs. Don’t fret! We can address these details and more, so you recognize what restorations have to offer and why it’s a good idea to come on in.


Dental Benefits: Don’t Wait!

Do you have dental insurance benefits that you use for your oral health care needs? How do you pay for your dental cleanings and checkups? For your fillings? Is all of some of it covered with your benefits? Another question: When was the last time you took a long, close look at your coverage? If it’s been a while, now is your warning! It’s December, which means time is running out for the remainder of your 2017 plan.


Mouthwash: Good, Bad or Indifferent?

Mouthwash Good Bad IndifferentAre you considering adding mouthwash to your daily oral care regimen? If your dentist recommends it, then you know it is the right thing to do. In other cases, you may be considering this addition because you like the zingy tingle of a minty mouth, or the cavity protection offered by a fluoride rinse product. Mouthwash products can be a positive part of your preventive dental routine. Here are some thoughts on when, why (and in some cases why not!) to consider a mouthwash product. (more…)

Avoiding Fillings: 3 Bad Things That May Happen

Not only do we offer comfortable, long-lasting fillings but we also offer tooth-colored dental fillings! This means that if you were worried that dealing with your frustrating cavity might mean ending up with a not-very-nice-looking tooth, think again. Your tooth will just look like your tooth used to look before it endured decay: All one color and healthy! So, what is causing you to skip out on this very important treatment? Think about some possible consequences to use as your motivation to get it done soon.


Cosmetic Dental Care: Get Glowing!

What’s the problem when you look in the mirror? Do you wish to see a reflective, shining, shimmering, beautiful smile? However, when you take a look, all you see is what appears to be a flat, dull, dim grin? Not to worry. When you want a more glowing, much whiter smile, we can help you out with this dilemma. Reaching your goal is as simple as seeing our friendly team for cosmetic care!
