Just as you prioritize the preservation of your teeth, so does your dentist. Indeed, the last thing that anyone wants is for you to lose a natural structure, which is why such an emphasis is placed on excellent preventive care. In some scenarios, however, decay and other concerns can progress right before our eyes. Fortunately, that is where restorative dentistry comes in to help so that we may preserve your teeth and restore their function. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist takes a look at the manner in which dental decay claims a tooth and how a restorative root canal treatment can help.
Enhancing Your Smile With Whitening
While making sure that your smile’s function and well-being is a top priority to ensure a healthy grin, sometimes minor concerns can be troubling as well. Indeed, we endure a lot during an average day, as does our smiles, and sometimes they require a small boost to help us feel more comfortable and confident in our own skin. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI takes a look at factors that contribute to a tarnished appearance, and how cosmetic teeth-whitening can help.
How Gum Disease Affects You
Ensuring the health of your smile is quite a bit more involved than you may think. In fact, it isn’t as easy as just making sure to brush regularly. You must also consider your level of preventive care, flossing, attending routine checkups, and even paying mind to what you eat and drink, otherwise you could easily face the loss of one or more teeth. What’s more, a number of factors can contribute to dental concerns, so it is always better to act sooner rather than later when dealing with them. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will take a look at a common issue many face – periodontal disease – and what you need to know to protect your grin.
When Saving Your Smile Means Removing a Tooth
While dental complications are typically the last thing one would want to have to deal with. Advanced technology has made it possible to address concerns at nearly every level in order to prevent tooth loss. From cavity fillings to root canals and everything in-between, there is typically a procedure or process to help. In some instances, however, decay can progress so severely that the only viable option left is to consider extraction. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will talk about cases in which extraction is necessary to preserve your oral health.
How Composite Fillings Provide A Natural Finish
When it comes to oral health complications, the second biggest concern tends to involve how natural a restoration will look, right behind improvement of function. Indeed, the fear of tooth loss is enough to encourage excellent preventive care habits for some individuals, but there is an unspoken population of individuals that may experience some form of decay or infection that choose not to seek assistance for fear that their procedure will cause an uneven, glaring discrepancy. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will take a look at the process of removing decay in its early stages, and how a composite filling can render lifelike results.
Let’s Look At Different Degrees of Tooth Loss
In our previous blog, we discussed why it is important to act on a dental need sooner rather than later, especially when it comes to decay. Indeed, decay is one of the most common oral health concerns out there, affecting millions of individuals every year. If left untreated, it will continue to become worse and worse until finally, you experience losing a tooth – or several in some cases. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist is going to take a look at the effects of the progression of decay, including treatments we can provide to address different degrees of tooth loss.
Why You Need To Address Your Cavity
It goes without saying that major concerns such as a broken arm or a knocked-out tooth are items that you will undoubtedly seek remedy for immediately. In most circumstances, however, there may be some grey area in the necessity of seeking treatment, and many individuals opt for waiting to see if the problem gets worse or better. Keep in mind, however, that when it comes to your dental health, waiting in most cases will only cause problems to become worse. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will take a look at the progression of decay and discuss what you can do to avoid the damage it causes.
Is It Time For Your Six- Month Checkup?
While you hear about a number of dental concerns that affect strangers, friends, and family every year, the truth is that most problems can easily be avoided with routine preventive care, both in-office and at-home. Yes, this means tooth loss, decay, gum disease, and more can be avoided, but it takes following a strict regimen to accomplish a lifelong smile, meaning it is a constant work-in-progress. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will address the steps involved in keeping up with your oral health, and more specifically, how six-month checkups play a significant role.
Why You Should Always Replace a Missing Tooth
For many people, the biggest threat to their oral health is the development of tooth decay or infection caused by harmful oral bacteria. What’s more, not acting in a timely manner and seeking professional dental help can become a major detriment, often resulting in functional difficulties, significant damage, and even tooth loss. Even after losing a structure, even greater concerns can arise that pose a major to your oral health. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist will look at the effects that arise after a structure has been extracted, and how our team can help by creating and placing a replacement.
Addressing Gaps With Porcelain Veneers
Most of us strive for a perfect, lifelong smile that we can confidently show off and feel good in. Because of the incessant wear and tear of everyday occurrences, however, that goal can sometimes be difficult to obtain. In fact, infections such as periodontal disease or even a chipped tooth stand in the way of that beautiful appearance, hindering our ability to achieve it. In today’s blog, your Auburn Hills, MI dentist wants to take a look at the ways cosmetic dentistry can address a myriad of problems, and more specifically, the way porcelain veneers can address gaps in your smile.