Sure, you’ve sat inside a classroom, your home, or some other indoor space and painted something before. It’s calm, meditative, and enjoyable. However, have you ever wondered what it must be like to paint outdoors, as you commune with nature and take in all that lives and breathes around you? Look up to the sky and listen to the activity you cannot hear from the interior of a building, as you enjoy the upcoming Paint With Nature event in our Auburn Hills, MI community!
Smile Care: 4 Things To Remember About Rinsing
Did you know that in many cases, rinsing is extremely beneficial to your oral health? Are you equally aware that there are instances in which you may feel as though rinsing your smile with a particular product is going to work some sort of magic but it will actually do nothing of the sort? If you’re shrugging your shoulders because to be honest, you have some ideas but you aren’t sure that you’re certain, our Auburn Hills, MI team is here for you! Consider some things to always remember about rinsing, so you’re headed toward success for your smile!
Safer Snacking Versus Not-So-Safe Snacking
In the world of oral health protection, there aren’t necessarily 100 percent safe snacks and then everything else. Instead, it’s a bit more of a comparison between snacking approaches that are safer than most versus those that are most certainly detrimental to your smile! While this may sound lovely, you might not realize that you’ve been indulging in the not so beneficial way of snacking, which can take its toll on your teeth! So, to ensure you’re informed, on the right path, and can easily follow through with your intentions to make smart smile choices, our Auburn Hills, MI team offers some safer-versus-less-safe considerations!
Cast Iron Cooking Event
Do you have a cast iron pan that someone gifted you that’s just been sitting around collecting dust because … you don’t really know much about cooking with cast iron? Beyond that, are you a bit unsure about how to prep it, clean it, and maintain it? While you may find that you love dishes prepared with cast iron, it’s a bit of a mystery! Good news: You have access to our Auburn Hills, MI community’s upcoming Cast Iron Cooking event! If it’s just what you’ve been looking for, don’t miss out!
How Can My Smile Look Better Aligned?
You know it when you see it: A problem with your alignment. Sometimes, it’s something that has bothered you for a long time not only because you aren’t in love with the way your smile looks but also because you’ve dealt with the side effects of true misalignment (such as issues with chewing or even jaw joint stress). In other cases, you find that you have some minor esthetic worries that mean your smile could look better but you aren’t really sure if you need to shift your teeth or if perhaps you could rely on a simple cosmetic treatment. Of course, you don’t have to figure anything out on your own! Our Auburn Hills, MI team is here to tell you what you need to know!
What Periodontal Care Means, and Why It Matters
There are many different oral health conditions that could potentially affect your smile throughout your life. Some are minor, such as tooth stains, and can be corrected with simple, non-invasive treatment. Others, however, can be much more serious – such as periodontal disease, the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the U.S. At our Auburn Hills, MI, dental office, we can help you address and control your gum disease with customized periodontal care and help you avoid some of the consequences that can arise from the disease. (more…)
Bats: Basics And Benefits
Bats! They’re on your mind, as Halloween steadily approaches and you see them bedecking candy bags, costumes, and even home fronts! Then again, you may be seeing some real bats as you look up above you, too, into the sky! Does the thought of a live bat cause you to panic? Or, do you find these creatures quite fascinating? Whether you think you’re ready for some helpful exposure therapy or would simply love to learn more about them, the upcoming Bats: Basics And Benefits in our Auburn Hills, MI community may be just what you need!
Your Sudden Smile Question: Is It Normal That…?
Most of the time, you just move along through your daily life without thinking too much about your teeth and your tongue and more. However, all it takes is a quick comparison of your mouth with a friend’s or a random glance in a mirror and suddenly, you’re full of worry and questions about your oral health! Is this normal you may find yourself asking about the way something looks or feels. When such uncertainty fills your mind, our Auburn Hills, MI team reminds you that usually, all you need is an explanation to feel much better. So, when in doubt, get in touch with our team! For now … some helpful examples.
Commonly Held Misconceptions About Dental Checkups
Like anything else, when it comes to your dental checkups, you’re going to hear some things about them from friends and family (which may or may not be true), you’re going to draw some conclusions (that may be based on assumption alone), and you may realize that the knowledge you have about this part of your preventive care is a bit shaky. Are you carrying around factual ideas about checkups or is the majority of your knowledge composed primarily of misconceptions? To ensure it’s not the latter, our Auburn Hills, MI team would like to highlight common areas of incorrect information, so you know just what’s what!
Mindfulness Yoga Hike: Children And Parents
When you visualize a really nice day out with your kiddos, do you close your eyes and feel the fresh air on your face? A bit of sunlight warming your skin? Maybe you take a deep breath and imagine a very relaxing moment together out in nature. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then the upcoming Mindfulness Yoga Hike in our Auburn Hills, MI community may prove to put some serious smiles on your faces. Learn more!