Our Auburn Hills, MI team is curious about something. To help you along on your journey with smile care, today we ask: What embarrasses you most about your smile? Did you know that whatever it is, we offer the dental care you need in order for that issue to simply become a thing of the past, so you can move forward and enjoy your grin? Before you make the mistake of assuming you’re stuck with whatever causes you to recoil in terms of your smile, we suggest you instead become vocal about it, talk over some options with us, and then get back to feeling amazing about yourself instead!
River Day Fishing Derby For 2019
Are your kiddos eager to go fishing? Is it something they talk about frequently and now that summer is nearly underway, you’ve been looking for a good way to introduce them to (or continue a tradition of) enjoying this nostalgic experience? Let your kiddos enjoy some moments away from screens, the internet, and more, as they connect with nature with the upcoming River Day Fishing Derby in our Auburn Hills, TX community!
4 Things Restorative Care Helps You Avoid
What? Restorative dental care can help you avoid things, you ask? You thought that the only way you could avoid oral health complications was with prevention. Well, let’s clear this up and then you can take a stroll with our Auburn Hills, MI team through some examples! First, of course, prevention helps you keep your smile healthy and stops problems from developing in the first place. Restorative care addresses problems that have developed, allowing you to avoid worsening problems and the side effects that come with them. Starting to see what we mean? A bit more information will set the matter straight!
Strange Noises And Your Oral Health: What’s Happening?
Sometimes you experience pain. Or swelling. Or even dry tissues and bad breath. However, something you may never have dealt with before (that is currently impacting you)? Strange noises that you are fairly certain are related to your oral health. While this may come as a bit of a shock to you and may seem alarming, our Auburn Hills, MI team reminds you that even though you should definitely take action, you don’t need to be too worried. Symptoms that you pick up with your sense of hearing are no more concerning than others. Fortunately, they’re also something we can easily help you resolve, so see us soon.
Paddlepalooza 2019
You know all about this one! Maybe you’ve cheered someone on before. Perhaps you have raced in the past. However you have participated, you know that Paddlepalooza is a whole lot of fun and requires quite a lot of energy! Don’t miss out on this Auburn Hills, MI annual kayak and canoe extravaganza in its 11th year!
Calling All Ice Enthusiasts: Watch For Smile Damage!
Are you something of an ice enthusiast? No, we don’t mean that you tend to hoard ice, name your ice cubes, or make elaborate ice sculptures! In the dental world and at our Auburn Hills, MI practice, our concern is whether you enjoy eating ice and whether this might be a pretty regular snack for you. Why, you ask? Well, because ice isn’t a very good choice. It may seem like it, considering its absence of calories and it’s refreshing, long-lasting, hydrating effect as you eat it. Unfortunately, unlike drinking a tall glass of water, you’re actually putting your oral health at risk with ice. Let’s stroll through a handful of important details for you to consider!
3 Ways Sleep Apnea Will Ruin Your Summer
Remember that if you’re just pretending nothing is wrong with you, even though you are fairly certain you have sleep apnea and require sleep apnea treatment (but you are certain that you’re snoring!), this could backfire. While there are always consequences associated with the decision to temporarily sweep your sleep issue under the rug, our Auburn Hills, MI team would like to take a moment to focus on the usually fun-filled season that’s quickly approaching: It’s summer! Consider the ways not treating your sleep issue can potentially ruin otherwise lovely plans!
Auburn Hills Great Strides 2019
You are invited to participate in the Auburn Hills Great Strides 2019 event! If are not yet familiar with this annual experience taking place in our own Auburn Hills, MI community, this may be something you find yourself contributing to year after year! Great Strides is a fundraiser that takes place on a national scale with the sole goal of supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in finding a cure.
Dental Cleanings: 3 Benefits You’re Not Noticing
There are probably a few benefits of coming in for dental cleanings with our Auburn Hills, MI team that you’re not noticing. That’s okay! Of course, we know that you think of your preventive dental visits with us as essential and part of your twice-annual routine, so if you’re not picking up on every last advantage, we get it. However, since showing up for cleanings really is quite powerful, we would like to share some of those oft-overlooked benefits that can make you feel even prouder of your efforts in smile protection!
Dental Infection: How Can I Tell? What To Do?
Here’s the important thing you need to realize about tooth infections: You cannot always tell that you have one. That means, sometimes you’ll have a pretty good idea. Other times, you may have no clue at all (more on that later…). With that said, you may wonder what on earth you’re supposed to do to find out what’s happening with your smile and how to treat it, should an infection affect you! It might sound confusing upon initial introduction but we remind you that our Auburn Hills, MI team is here to help simplify your care. Get to know more and you’ll feel ready for anything!