Your Oral Appliance: Don’t Let Holidays Mess Things Up!

We take a loving glance at the calendar when we realize the holidays are coming up. Hooray! All will be sparkling, chilly, merry, and bright! There’s food, drinks, fun, family, friends, socializing, parties, and more on the horizon! Of course, there is so much to feel excited about, so why bring up anything that sounds even slightly disastrous or negative, you wonder? Well, because it will ensure you make it through this time of year that is supposed to be fun without wondering: How did I mess up with my smile health like this? With some very simple reminders from our Auburn Hills, MI team, you’ll be sure your oral appliance therapy continues on as planned through the season and beyond.


You Need A Visit If You Use This Word For Your Smile

Sometimes, you wonder if you really need a dental visit or not. You may find that certain adjectives pop out of your mouth in regard to your smile and, as a result, you feel a little funny about calling up our Auburn Hills, MI team. You know if you were to call and say you had a severe toothache, there would be nothing uncertain about this. But what if you call and say that your smile feels “weird” or something similar? Will this be reason enough to set up a dental checkup? Take our word for it when we say, if your instincts tell you something isn’t right, it’s a good idea to come in. As for some terms we can speak to regarding what they might mean (and why they warrant an immediate visit with us), let’s get going!


Community Food Drive Fall 2018

We are heading right into the heart of holiday time, which should be a lovely, joy-filled, festive time for all. However, for those in our community who are struggling, this can be a particularly difficult time of year. If you’re looking for ways to contribute, you may wish to learn more about the multi-day Community Food Drive being held in order to benefit our town, as we support the Neighborhood House Food Pantry.


Seasonal TMJ Suggestions: Hello, Autumn And Winter!

You know that when you’re struggling with your TMJ health, one thing you definitely need is to visit our Auburn Hills, MI team to talk about TMJ disorder treatment. However, you might not spend much time thinking about how the changing of the leaves may be ushering in some brand new threats to your jaw health! Great news: We happen to have years and years of experience with TMJ concerns, which means we are ready at the drop of a hat to offer relevant tips to keep your jaw joints functioning and safe! Ready for some cooler-weather hints? We’ve got them!


Very Good Reasons To Stop Nail Biting

If you occasionally nibble a hangnail, then you’re not really a nail biter. However, if you are someone who bites your nails on a regular basis (perhaps daily), then this is considered a habit and, as far as our Auburn Hills, MI team is concerned, a bad one at that! What’s so bad about nibbling your nails, you wonder? After all, you have learned to live with fingers that could look a little nicer but you’re okay with it! The truth is, biting your fingernails can become a problem for your oral health and can cause additional problems. Find out more from us regarding why it’s a very, very good idea to stop!


Smile Questions: Is It Normal?

Are you wondering if the things you’re thinking about in regard to your smile are normal? Maybe you worry about a particular symptom that you experience and try to convince yourself that it probably happens to everyone (even though you’re not sure about that). Maybe you think you should probably come in to see us for a visit but you’re hoping you don’t have to. The truth is, while your dental hygiene, checkups, and cleanings are usually enough, sometimes you simply need to schedule an extra visit when you’re on the fence about your smile. For right now, our Auburn Hills, MI team will help out with some simple and more complex questions (and answers) that may guide you in a clearer direction.


Our Favorite Halloween Theme: Smile Safety!

Your favorite Halloween topic may have something to do with food, costumes, parties, haunted houses, decor, and more. As you can likely guess, our favorite Halloween them is all about smile safety! Of course, that’s because your oral health is our Auburn Hills, MI team’s number one priority. So, while you can most certainly expect that we hope you have the best Halloween ever, we also want you to add a few things into the fold this year, so you’re keeping your smile safe from unexpected trauma!


5th Annual Zombie Laser Tag For Teens

Hey, there! What have your teens been doing the last five years around this time? If you just answered, “Laser tag!” then not to worry, the big day is here again: It’s the 5th Annual Zombie Laser Tag event! Of course, if this is brand new to your kids, they’re in for quite a treat. So, get ready for a truly electrifying afternoon in early celebration of Halloween 2018 in Auburn Hills, MI!


Facts About Tooth-Colored Fillings Sure To Make You Smile!

We know that scheduling your visit for a tooth-colored filling may at first just seem like a routine restorative care appointment that you may not feel too thrilled about (even though you enjoy keeping your smile safe). However, what you may be overlooking is that since you’re coming in for a filling made of composite and not metal, there are lots of things to get excited about! Take just a moment as our Auburn Hills, MI team “fills” you in on the beneficial details!


Why Ignoring Decay Is A Really, Really Big No-No!

Trust our Auburn Hills, MI team when we say, it is not impossible for us to empathize with you when what you really want is to pretend you don’t have a cavity. Your desire to hide out, ignore the tooth decay, and just hope that your tooth magically heals itself is perfectly natural. Unfortunately, it is not going to end well and, since we know this, we feel compelled to explain what will happen. In addition to hoping to offer you the motivation you need to come in soon for your dental filling, we also really want to help you avoid complications, while you keep your smile healthy with the ease of consistent dental care.
