We know that figuring out fluoride can be a tricky topic. You hear some really wonderful things about it. You hear from us that it’s important. Then, you hear from other sources that you should beware. How’s a person supposed to make the right decision when this is the situation? Well, if we have anything to say about it: Receive the facts from our team regarding fluoride and oral health for your family. Then, you’ll see why it’s safe, essential, and how it helps.
Oral Piercings: 3 Things To Remember
Are you interested in an oral piercing but there’s part of you that thinks it’s probably wise to learn a bit more about the possible reason to decide against this accessory? If so, you have come to the right place! While this is a very personal decision, we would simply like to remind you of the possible side effects that can impact your oral health. With some further information in hand, you can make an informed choice for yourself!
Wine, Cider, + Girl Scout Cookie Pairing
Did you realize that it’s Girl Scout cookie season again? Are you frantically nodding your head with a big smile on your face? If you never thought you’d ever stumble across anything even better than a box (or several) of these cookies, think again! The upcoming Wine, Cider, + Girl Scout Cookie Pairing event just might be your new favorite!
Lesser Known Cosmetic Dentistry Benefits
Are you someone who is happy with the major concerns many people have about their teeth (for instance, you are perfectly fine with the shade of your smile) but you’re definitely not satisfied with everything? Have you been wondering if cosmetic dentistry offers the benefits that you want because you’re convinced your concerns are somewhat uncommon? Let’s speak to some of those less apparent details, so you realize we are here to help with whatever you need!
What Happens If I Stop Flossing?
Maybe you are someone who has always flossed just like we suggest but you wonder what would happen if you stopped. Then again, maybe you have never been dedicated to this very important facet of your dental hygiene and you’re wondering what problems that you’ve experienced (or may experience in the future) are related to this choice. Solving this mystery is very easy! Discover in the process why flossing is such a big deal for your oral health and you may feel more serious about becoming committed to it!
TMJ Disorder Quiz: Do I Have TMD?
You might feel like you’ve definitely heard about TMJ disorder (TMD) and you figure it has something to do with your jaw joints. However, beyond that particular detail, you may also notice that you aren’t really sure about much else. As a result, when someone asks you if you are suffering from TMD, you aren’t certain how to answer. Avoid this problem and instead, learn some new information about this functional issue associated with your jaw health. It can guide you toward jaw joints that remain safe and in good condition for years to come!
Book Bingo At The Library
Happen to enjoy some good, old-fashioned fun? Do you remember playing Bingo as a kid and love the idea of hanging out with fellow community members, while you play throwback games (and even have the chance to win prizes)? Well then. The Book Bingo at the Library event is for you!
Dental Sealants: Don’t Miss This Suggestion!
There are many good suggestions out there when it comes to caring for your own smile and when it comes to protecting your children’s smiles. However, when it comes down to sorting through those recommendations and getting serious about choosing the best of the best, you will not want to miss out on protecting your child’s teeth with dental sealants. If you’re not already sure why we suggest this, the time to find out more is right now!
3 Water Resolutions to Help Your Teeth
Whether you make lots of New Year’s resolutions, or just a couple, it’s nice to say you kept them for a least a few days, or a month, or maybe the whole year. And it’s doubly nice if the resolutions have a payoff like better reports at dental exams and cleanings. We have some fairly simple and easy to maintain water resolutions, that will help keep your teeth cavity free. Rest assured, however, that if we do see signs of trouble, we can place a dental filling or otherwise address the issue. (more…)
Tooth Protection: Inside and Out
You can approach tooth protection from two directions: inside and outside. A healthy diet allows strong tooth formation (inside) and good dental care practices help keep tooth surfaces clean, strong and protected (outside.) While no dental program can guarantee a lifetime free of tooth decay or dental issues, smart snacking (inside) and twice-yearly preventive exams and cleanings (outside) are some of the steps you can take to protect your smile in all directions. Ask your dentist for more inside and outside habits for tip-top dental health. (more…)