DIVE Fleece Blankets Teen Event

Are your teens doing quite a good job keeping up with school work, their social lives, and more? How about volunteering? Whether they’re already quite involved in the world of volunteering or you’d like for them to find a place to start, the upcoming DIVE Fleece Blankets event is a lovely opportunity for your teenagers to help support our Auburn Hills, MI community!


Taking Your Care By The “Times” Factor

How many times are you supposed to brush your teeth every day, you ask? Are you supposed to brush the same amount of times as you floss? Wait, what about dental visits, how often should those happen? The truth is, until you’ve really gotten into a steady routine with your dental care habits, you may find that the amount of times you are supposed to keep up with the details can become all mixed up and confusing. To help you sort it all out (you may with to write it down until you’ve got it memorized), our Auburn Hills, MI team is happy to help!


Preventive Care: A Few Things You’re Getting (Very) Wrong

You might be getting certain aspects of your preventive dental care just right! However, you might be getting some of them very wrong. The problem here is that if you’re not running a tight ship in regard to your oral health, you could end up with serious consequences despite your best efforts. Nobody wants to put forth lots of energy only to end up with cavities, gum disease, etc., so what to do? Our Auburn Hills, MI team is happy to report that it’s actually very easy to troubleshoot not-so-on-track care, which instantly puts you on a path toward success!


Your Cell Phone: Make Dental Care Planning Easier

As we have come to realize, our cell phones do just about everything now. Use it to make calls, take videos, connect on social media, and even make purchases! While the spectrum of things it can do is quite vast (and is becoming more advanced by the day), our Auburn Hills, MI team encourages you to take a quick step back and ask yourself: What simpler things might this piece of technology be able to do that could make your dental care even easier to plan and manage? Don’t overlook these lovely details!


For Teens: Applying To Jobs And The Interview Process Event

If you’ve been keeping up with our Auburn Hills, MI community’s “How To Adult” Series offered to area teens, then you know your kids have access to some very helpful information in regard to what it really takes to be a grownup! The next chapter in this very helpful series of workshops? It’s entitled Applying To Jobs And The Interview Process. As you already know, feeling prepared to take on part-time jobs during one’s teen years or to begin a career in adulthood is an absolutely wonderful skill to have! So, if you and your teen are interested, don’t miss out!


Fastbraces And Your Doubts: Addressing FAQs

They’re called Fastbraces and, though you may not know much about them, you are already aware from their name that they may be able to offer you that super speedy approach to a straight smile you want. However, you are inundated on quite a regular basis by “too good to be true” items, products, and more, so you may feel exceptionally leery of anything that seems more fantastic than you thought possible. The result? Like many of our Auburn Hills, MI practice’s other patients, you have lots of questions about this orthodontic system! Of course, we will be glad to answer them all. Let’s begin with FAQs.


The 3rd Annual Bruce Howell Memorial Free Throw Contest!

Yes, if you’ve lived in the Auburn Hills, MI community for any time at all, then you know all about our beloved custodian Bruce Howell and the contest thrown every year in his honor. If you’ve been impatiently awaiting its arrival, we have good news for you: The 3rd Annual Bruce Howell Memorial Free Throw Contest is almost here, so practice those free throws and plan on attending!


Discomfort And Dental Care: What You Need To Know!

When you start talking with friends or family members about dental care, it’s easy to find yourself listening to stories about trips to the dental office (which include some not so savory details). As a result, you may find yourself wondering if certain types of smile care really are uncomfortable (or not), why people seem so hesitant to seek out professional care, what you can expect from our Auburn Hills, MI practice, and more! To ensure you always feel confident in seeking smile help from us, allow us to clear up any confusion as it applies to comfort and your care!


Smile Care Things You Only Think Are “Better” But Aren’t

You may hear about a particular product, treatment, or something else that is related to your smile care and immediately think that it’s better than everything else. You may compare two services and deem one better than the other. The list goes on. However, we remind you that in most instances, a particular product or service that seems flashier, more modern, or more exciting is only better if if work best for you (though it isn’t inherently above the rest). Examine some examples with our Auburn Hills, MI team, so you realize you’re likely doing a wonderful job no matter what you pick!


Here Comes February: Let It Lead Your Smile Care!

There’s so much that happens in February but it might not seem like the most eventful month until you really think about it. Consider the details: First, the groundhog pops out to let you and our Auburn Hills, MI team and everyone else know how much longer it is until spring! Then, Valentine’s Day shows up. In addition, did you know that the entirety of February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Phew! It’s an action packed month, so we ask, why not let it guide your smile care choices? See what we mean!
